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Sorry I haven't been blogging here recently. It's just that I've started up a new blog elsewhere on the interwebs and it's a higher priority for me right now than this one. That's why I haven't been very active here recently.


But now I have decided to share some news about my upcoming epic, Dawn of the New Century. Figured it gave me an excuse to blog here again.


So Dawn is on its sixth draft and is coming along nicely. Right now I am thinking of going over it one last time before I post it on BZP, although I've been working on it for so long that I'm beginning to think I'll just post it as soon as I finish this draft. That way I can begin work on the sequel.


If I had to guess Dawn's release date, I'd say mid-to-late May at the latest. Possibly sooner, depending on how quickly I edit this draft, but that's my current estimate, which of course is subject to change.


Anyway, because I'm almost done with it, I feel safe with posting a summary, so here ya go:


Fifty-thousand years after the death of Makuta Teridax, a messiah-like figure named Masqouth appears seemingly out of nowhere in Zisar, the capital of New Zakaz, promising freedom and prosperity to the enslaved Skakdi people. He backs up his claims by miraculously healing wounded or sick Skakdi, all the while hiding his true intentions for these people.


At the same time, a Skakdi named Kafor is kidnapped by two Dark Hunters, one a Skrall codenamed Night and the other a Vortixx codenamed Heavyweight. Kafor knows the fate that awaits her at the foot of the Shadowed One's throne, but cannot escape her kidnappers no matter how hard she tries.


In the city of New Atero, detective Toa Niham investigates two similar kidnappings while trying to balance her precarious love life with the famous Glatorian Rubella the Red Star. Little does she knew just how intimately related these two kidnappings are, nor the hidden secrets they will lead her to uncover.


Meanwhile, Toa Kiriah, veteran guardian of the Time Stone, is summoned by the Almighty Ones in order to help them deal with a new threat. But an unexpected attack forces Kiriah to change her plans and work with people whom she never though she would find herself working with.


The lives of these characters are destined to intertwine in ways none expect. And when they do, they -- and their world -- will be changed forever.


I hope that excites y'all as much as it excited me :) . So see ya,




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I'd say mid-to-late May at the latest. May possibly be sooner

Okay, so how exactly are you going to make the month of May come sooner? ;)

(He has a time machine =O RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! *realitysplosion*)

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I'd say mid-to-late May at the latest. May possibly be sooner

Okay, so how exactly are you going to make the month of May come sooner? ;)

(He has a time machine =O RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! *realitysplosion*)

D'oh! I meant "Possibly sooner." Sorry for the mistake.



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I'd say mid-to-late May at the latest. May possibly be sooner

Okay, so how exactly are you going to make the month of May come sooner? ;)

(He has a time machine =O RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! *realitysplosion*)



D'oh! I meant "Possibly sooner." Sorry for the mistake.





Oh, I know you did, but it provided the opportunity for a bad pun ;)
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