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Taka Nuvia


Just watching it again... Jaller's sacrifice is still one of the saddest moments in the movie. :(


Apart from that.. I mean yes, some of the dialogues are rather, uh, cheesy, but overall it's still among my favourites, and not only because of nostalgia. :3


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Best movie for me, and Jallers sacrifice is far more moving than Lhikan's. I mean just that one shot of Takua staring into the camera, how they get so much emotion in his eyes there I don't know.

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Mask of Light is the one Bionicle movie I never tire of watching. The journey across Mata Nui and the bond between Takua and Jaller (and Pohatu and Onua) makes it a great experience for me. :)



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I think all in all, it's an enjoyable family film. I think a lot of people's criticisms of it seem to entirely miss the point of the story it's trying to tell. The Kolhii match as the final scene was brilliant in my opinion: not only does it suit Teridax's manipulative persona to do something tricky like this and mess with his opponent's head, but it's also got a bit of that lovely "playing chess with Death" archetype to it. And I think adding more violence would be pointless... it bothers me that some people can't seem to take a story seriously unless characters are physically exchanging blows.


There are definitely some lines that are cheesy either in their writing or their delivery. Some of my favorites are "Frozen? What could do that to them?" and "Rahkshi? What is... Rahkshi?" I think that overall they add to the experience rather than detracting from it, but then again that may just be nostalgia speaking. Or it may not, since a lot of the things I enjoy these days can have a similar amount of absurdity to them.

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Haha, I watched that earlier this year with Akano. ^^


It's always fun to rewatch, though it helps if you have another Bionicle nerd around to enjoy it with.


Though, I was kinda giving a commentary throughout the entire thing...


Like, when Onua said "Welcome to Onu-Koro!" to the rahkshi, I had them reply,


"Aww, thanks, it's really great to be here and-OH HOLY KAUKAU!"


It's always more fun when you think of the Rahkshi as oblivious villains. XP


Plus, Takua and Jaller. Total bros.

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I like how dark Bionicle can be sometimes, especially considering that this was made for people as young as 8 up until adulthood. Think about it, Takua spends most of the movie running from his destiny, even going so far as to try and pin it on Jaller. Then, after running from it for so long, he finally realizes who he is only after seeing his friend die in front of him for his refusal to accept who he is. Okay sure, he is revived later but still credit to the writing team for that.


Still one of my favorite childhood movies.

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Dang it that was one of my favorite movies, and it still is. I know I'm not being nostalgia blinded on this, otherwise I would be saying that MOL IS THE BEDT MOVIE EVER!!!


Anyway, I liked how it was pretty Grimdark for Lego's norm, and honestly, I prefer shows like that, like Digimon, mainly because even though most of the cast is artificial or composed of data, you still get emotional and feel sympathy when someone died, especially in Digimon Adventure.


Looking back at the movie, it was really good, and Jaller's death was one of the most emotional deaths in BIONICLE. Takua was indeed trying to preent his destiny, afraid of the future and the outcome, and was willing to go so far and have Jaller involved, but Jaller continued to try to push him to realize that Takua was indeed the herald.


But when Makuta began to speak to Takua, he realized that he didnt want Jaller harmed in any of this and quit to keep his friend safe, but almost ruined their friendship by not being able to tell Jaller.


But Takua realized that he has to suck up and compete his duty, and admitted that he was indeed the herald, after the Rahkshi attacked Onu-Koro where Takua was, while Jaller was off in the mountains.


Jaller sacrifice was made even more emotional by the history before the movie that he and Takua had, the adventures they had together, fighting together, and he died trying to protect his friend the herald.


And his last words before his death made it even more emotional. And I agree with the whole "playing chess with death thing," and it fit Makuta's personality real well, and when he said he was protecting Mata Nui from waking up, it made me confused about who was the villain, but that's because I was 6 and now I am 16 so I know now about what he was trying to do.


Overall, the movie was great

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