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How to Cure Writer's Block

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


The bane of any writer is the dreaded staunching of the creative energies. The cause of this disease is hard to place. Some say it is indolence. Some say it is tied closely with diet and appetite, and the same things that affect both. Whatever the cause may be, I have developed a surefire, failsafe, foolproof, certifiably success-guaranteed cure to this onerous disease.



You will need:

- One bed

- One pillow

- One rope (a sturdy twine will do)




Step 1. Lie on the bed, face up.


Step 2. Put a pillow over your face.


Step 3. Using the rope or twine, tie the pillow around your head tightly. Ensure that you are sufficiently smothered, allowing no oxygen in or out.


Step 4. Scream into the pillow. Scream your lungs out. Scream to your heart's content. By this time you will have used up most of the oxygen remaining in your lungs.

Note: You may sing if you prefer.


Step 5. Asphyxiate.



Ta-da! You will no longer have writer's block!



WARNING: Noted side effects include, and may not be limited to, loss of life, and a potential of undead vengeance.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:


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Going to try this now. Ill report back once I have done.

Oh man. Life sure is great. Id hate to die tonight.

Well, in a bit guys, tonight I start my new life without writers block.

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Three non-deadly methods:


1) bonesiii's Arena Method of Story Writing.


2) A journal, and writing anything I think of until something pops.


3) A bottle of Sprite, and some good music.


Combining these methods may increase effectiveness of cure.

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My method is to stop thinking about my current story and play with minifigs while listening to my music on shuffle.


I always make backstories and character traits for most figures, so developing their types (villains, heroes, average joe, etc) and applying them to different silly stories helps me come up with ideas to apply to what I'm currently writing.


That or I just ship everyone together with odd

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