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It's Just Wrong



The Virgina Tech shootings are a tragedy. Innocent lives were taken by somebody and that can never be repaired. But what's sickening is the media circus unfolding now. The search for blame begins, and the media will move from thing to thing, leeching it dry. They will blame the shooter's parents, spouting out irrelevant things about the family as if they mattered. They will blame musicians for it and their music too, hounding them for sinfulness and blasphemy and all that junk. The teachers will be blamed, for not intervening or figuring out he was dangerous. The college will be blamed, perhaps rightly, for not taking the proper steps after the first two shootings. Video games will be blamed for instilling violence in the shooter and corrupting his mind and the usual junk. Blaming everything for this horrific slaughter but the shooter himself. It is shameful and disrespectful to the memories of the victims, and insulting to the families and friends of the victims, to put the even on parade like this and make it into a great big spectacle, on squeaky wheels greased with blood. The media is peddling its misinformation and infotainment around just to make money. This happened with Columbine. This happened with John Mark Karr. This happened with so many other events. It's disgusting. It trivializes the absolute tragedy and sadness of the event and cheapens it for profit. It's just wrong.


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Those shootings were, to say the least, awful. At least we don't have to watch that guy's trials on every channel...I guess. My cousin is taking classes at VA Tech next fall, so family members are kinda up in the air. Then again, stuff like that can happen anywhere. It's a risk you take by being alive.


Yes, the media just drives me crazy! Always looking for blame. A friend of mine recently had a problem in her home, which involved one of her daughters, and the arrest of somebody. It was very upsetting for her. Well, the media came to her door with no warning at all, wanting an interview. She was very ill. The next day on the news, they blamed the problem on "the neglect and uncaring of the mother" and they practically pin blame to her, just because she was upset.


It is wrong.

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The killings were awful. That's my point. But the media comes in and trivializes what happened for ratings, exploiting America's obsession with violence for profit and fame. And I feel sorry for your friend, that must be really upsetting. It's like there's no such thing as privacy or decency any more. The media's lost its credibility and its usefulness, but we're forced to rely on it. What happened to actual news?
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I think the thing that affected me the most was that one of the Teachers jumped in front of a door to let some of his students get away, and was shot to death...and it turned out he was a holocaust survivor. To survive all that, to get to America, 'Land of the Free'...and get shot down.


I hope this finally delivers a message. America needs absolute Gun Control. The laws need to be revised.

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I think the media takes everything too far, now'a'days. If they get a hold of the smallest thing, it gets blown way out of proportion. Th shootings were unfortunate, and there is no one to blame but the shooter himself. That's it. I mean, I'm a little messed up (not enough to take out a classroom... or anyone, for that matter), but do I blame anyone else? No, I'm the reason I'm a freak. I think I got a little off track with this...

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Lots of states, like Massachusetts, where I live, have tight gun laws. Virginia didn't. And would you rather the shooter have gone to black market weapons dealers and gotten guns with no record of it on file for police to check? And there is never a message that will be delivered when there is a gory, bleeding spectacle to be made of it by the "news". That's the media in a nutshell.
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Yeah. I wouldnt say trivializes exactly but something along that track. Its a sad way to make money, pushing the blame on musicians and parents. But with all the competition the onlyb way to get head is scandalize off the deaths of others. I cant say the media is hapy these people died but they need a story. And many need a scapegoat or a chance to beat down on music they hate.

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America needs absolute Gun Control. The laws need to be revised.

There's always Canada, you know.


Beep Beep!

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