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A Lesson in More Money Than Time



Hello everyone, I'm back with another entry.


I never thought that I would get to this point, but I can't say that I'm surprised. Since I started working last year, I have been able to get a steady cash flow, which means that I can set some income aside for savings and for feeding my hobby. This has led to me buying assets that I normally would not have purchased (mostly graphical assets, but sometimes I do spring for robust coding solutions like this AI code package that I bought).


Obviously, this income requires a lot of my time, so I don't have the free hours I once had trying to hack together an AI system or a 3rd-person character system. And that's just coding! There's still all of the modeling and animating that has to be factored in (fortunately, thanks to old friend Mihunai I don't have to do that much 3D modeling. Hope to see you around the forums again someday!)


So, I thought I'd share a visual of my progress since my last entry. The bare, bare basics of the combat system are done, there's still a lot to be done though, including:

  • New and accurate sound FX (the ones there came with the AI package)
  • possibly altering the enemy's AI (right now it just looks a little awkward, though that may actually be due to the size of the monster. I have no issues shrinking certain Rahi to make things more smooth)
  • Graphical indications that a character has been hit (e.g. sparks, color flash)
  • A "death" (the Rahi's actually just disoriented :P ) sequence for the enemy. The player model already has a death sequence that isn't shown in this video.
  • An actual HUD
  • Other aesthetics that will come during the polishing stage of development.

I almost didn't want to post this video because it's not that impressive, but then I looked at the combat video for my original 3D project, Influx. That video doesn't necessarily look worse (it has a lot of things that this video doesn't yet have), but some things like the player characters animation really highlight the need for buying solutions (as I know that natural looking animation isn't my thing).


Check out my website's home page to see all three of my videos and make your comparisons between the first two and this one I just made.


Next on my agenda, I plan to do much of the tasks that I listed above. Further down the road, I will start on the trap laying system or the NPC dialog system, whichever one is easiest. :P Thanks for reading!


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P'shaw, real coders don't buy coding packages! They find open-source solutions and spend more time trying to get the darn thing to compile than actually writing code before realizing it was abandoned in 2006.


But for real, looks pretty cool. I'm not really familiar with Unity myself, but having just finished coding a small 3D game from the ground up as part of my graphics course, I feel your struggle. :P Keep at it!

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I wouldn't say "still" working on it. More like "I stopped for two years and just recently started over". :P


And don't get me wrong: normally I enjoy really getting into the code -- it's what I do for a living. But if there's anything I've learned from my first attempt, it's that I need to take things a little slower and not set my ambitions too high.

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