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What YOU can do to help develop BIONICLE Fighter!



Shortening development time is good!


Those of you who have been following my work-in-progress fan game already know that programming games is a lot of work. It's insanely fun to piece together a game, but it's still work, and work takes time. Now, I've got a lot of time on hands, sure, but sometimes I wish I could spend more time on some things and then have someone else to do the rest. So far I've been working alone on my game, because I am quite frankly the only one with enough insight into my own head to know how things should end up.


Still, I can't do it all myself. I might be a jack-of-all-trades of game-making, but I am not perfect. I could use some help in several places. That's where you come in.



DISCLAIMER: I will be asking for some creative input on things such as map design in the list below. A natural process of game design is to brainstorm ideas, and there is always A LOT of ideas. Tons of them. So many that they can't all be used, and some are flawed from the get-go due to game balance, technical feasibility, etc. You are all free to post comments, critique and ideas; but please remember that I am in charge of this project, and as such I have the final say in what goes in-game or not.


I can say right off the bat that I will be sticking to the main Matoran Universe (the setting of BIONICLE from 2000-2008) and thus not include any direct Bara Magna references, alternate dimensions, crossover content, and so on.


Also note: This is a completely free game. There is currently no development cost, and there will be no income from the game even after it is 100% done. Therefore, I can't offer any payment to those of you who wish to contribute, but you will have my gratitude, a spot on the credits list, and the knowledge that you helped develop an awesome BIONICLE fan game. I hope that's enough. :)



Now, for the list of what I do need help with. I will keep the list updated and cross off items as they get done.



Stuff that is needed:


IMPORTANT: All sprites must be made in the same style as the Rayg 2.5 sprite kit. Size, proportions, the amount of color shades, etc. are all vital. Even if you're not able to make that perfect sprite, though, your half-finished sprites can also be useful as a starting point for some other spriter!


Characters and item sprites

  • Animation: Toa "hurt" pose, falling forwards and getting back up.
  • Animation: Rahkshi "hurt" pose, falling forwards/backwards and getting back up.
  • Animation: Rahkshi walking/running. (Proper leg poses, more Mask of Light styled)
  • Some Kanohi do not have rotated views.

    [*]Basic melee weapons such as swords, axes, and so on. Please, nothing extravagant here.

    Just basic equipment, such as this.

    [*]More shields, preferably with rotated views.

    [*]Nuva armor fitted to Rahkshi poses. This will require some reshaping of the armor itself since Rahkshi have wider torsos. Armor fitted to Vortixx and perhaps Skakdi would also be nice.

    [*]An arm motion for any character, where it looks like they are putting something (ammo) into their gun-type weapon.

    [*]Skakdi walk animation for the triangular feet (Used by Zaktan, Thok and Avak).

    [*]Improved version of Hahli Inika's Laser Harpoon. The available sprite is not really set-accurate at all.


Graphical effects

  • All sorts of energy beams and spheres, for use as attack graphics.
  • Small sprites and graphics for use as particles: flame bits, smoke, ice crystals, laser bullets, etc.
  • Imagery for use around the screen edges when you get hurt.
  • Regular red "hurt" pulse.
  • Frozen solid: Sheet of ice, like a frosted window.
  • On fire: Flames.
  • Poisoned: Green liquid glow of sorts.


Interface elements

  • Icons representing various skills, such as using a weapon or shield, or being affected by a certain power. Will be used for perk selection on the character menu, and in-game for representing your status. Size should be 24 x 24 pixels and 32 x 32 pixels. Providing higher resolutions would of course be fine as well, as I can scale them down when necessary.
  • A set of buttons for the main menu, preferably blanks so that I can have whatever text added as needed (for settings, menu selections and so on).
  • Icons that can be used for representing team affiliation. Providing various sizes for different uses (menu, HUD, floating over someone's head, on the scoreboard...) would be nice.
  • Improved HUD elements such as energy bars and weapon icons.
  • Health bar (Around 200-300px long, horizontal, not too thick compared to its length): Regular (red), poisoned (green goo), burned (orange glow) and choking (light blue fade/bubbles). Shape should be rectangular, but can have some elements such as a slight tilt to the shape or rounded corners; whatever looks good.
  • Energy bar (Same style as the health bar): Regular (some form of swirly pattern, preferably provided separately so the bar can fade between blank and animated pattern); will be glowing in the element's color, but make it whatever base color you like).
  • Kanohi/special power bar: Similar to the health and energy bars (some form of light pattern on it) but a bit thinner. This bar's color and purpose may also vary a bit.


IMPORTANT: Map design should seek to allow a variety of different characters. (A sky-based map with no ground to stand normally on is a bit limited, for example.) Sketches work, but a Photoshop-file with a finished map would be crazy awesome.


GIMP can export to PSD format, which is for Photoshop. If you export to this format, I can open it, but any layer groups you have made will be flattened to a single layer. Thus, make sure that you use single, visible layers for the finished stuff you want exported to PSD.


Otherwise, I'd like one big image of the entire map as it should look, and then separate files for the individual objects. Ground/terrain as one, background elements like trees/rocks as their own files, etc. For stuff I already have, such as teleporters, just make a mark of where they should be. They are objects in my game project file, and thus should not be included as part of the background graphics.


Brickshelf cannot handle the PSD format (or most other special formats, for that matter) unless you ZIP the files first. If there is a problem, you can send uncompressed files to me via e-mail or Skype (PM me about this), but a ZIP would be the best solution even then.


If you have any ideas for map elements I have not programmed yet, you may include notes about them as well. This could be something like a geyser taking the place of gravity jump pads, mud or quicksand that slows you down, periodic bursts of lightning from damaged machinery, etc.


For reference, Karda Nui in full is roughly 5200 pixels wide and 3600 pixels tall. The Codrex is 520 pixels in both directions, and the small fort on the ice map is about the same width. Mangaia is 3000 × 1000 pixels.


A character is about 45 pixels tall, with Exo-Toa about 75. Any tunnels or low ceilings should be at least 50 pixels tall to ensure that the character doesn't get stuck somehow. Add a bit more if the ground is uneven, so about 60 pixels room then.


Map graphics and map design

  • Karda Nui: Improved graphics (swamp water, vegetation, vast cavernous backdrop, etc.)
  • Kini-Nui: Mountain background, fores background for parallax scrolling, trees and vegetation.
  • A sketch for the interior of the missing Ta-Koro fortress.
  • Map layout sketches for other maps you might think of.



IMPORTANT: Sound effects must be free of noise and scratches!



Current contributions:








Big thanks to all of you!


Recommended Comments

It was meant to be an Airship of some sort, but Iforgot their general shape at the time. Sorry for the large image. The blocks with 'SP' written over them are supposed to be spawn points, BTW. And the Backround lines are a chute, sorry for not explaining.

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Do you plan on adding a 'story mode?' Maybe your character would go through a bunch of levels larger than normal ones, and would have to defeat enemies to get to the end where a boss is.


In fact, you could have a character right now in normal gameplay that is Tahu Nuva or something, go to Ta-Koro and pretend the Rahkshi just destroyed it, go to Kini-Nui, beat up the Rahkshi, then go to Mangaia and pretend Takanuva is Makuta.


I dunnoz.

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I have an idea for ignika's weapons : by pressing the weapon touch , we can switch to mellee weapon to ranged weapon, with a little animation for switching to vertical to horizontal sword's position :)


And for more shields : Tahu's adaptive form shield.


I can try to make the graphisms of them if you are okay :)


(sorry for the English I'm not English)

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I have an idea for ignika's weapons : by pressing the weapon touch , we can switch to mellee weapon to ranged weapon, with a little animation for switching to vertical to horizontal sword's position :)

You are not far off from what is (secretly) planned for a few of the Nuva weapons! ;)


And for more shields : Tahu's adaptive form shield.

I have the front view for this thing, but I'd need the 7 other angles as well, plus a few frames for making it spin. I have managed to make a few other shields myself, but that animation would kill me. :P


If you wish to make sprites, though, that would be splendid. I can usually use even somewhat crude sprites if I touch them up first. Having the groundwork laid for me makes things so much quicker.

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Okay I'm going to try ! ^^


Do you provide to make other classes ? like bohrok for example.. it should be great ! you have all the bohrok and bohrok kal elements and the krana can be used as a mask, the armors could be the bohrok kal's visor. you can also make a shield named bohrok shield wich change capacity and appearance according the user's element, like rahkshi's staff... and why not the bohrok kal as a boss ? and, if a bohrok doesn't have weapons, he could attack with is head ! :D


If you like my idea I can make the sprites...

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Do you provide to make other classes ? like bohrok for example.. it should be great !

Bohrok were planned, but scrapped because they were basically just Toa with reduced ability to carry any items. I did look at their powers when first designing this game. I thought they would have the ability to headbutt for melee, curl up to block, and roll to gain movement speed. Krana would work as Kanohi. I ultimately scrapped the Bohrok in favor of only Toa and Rakhshi, though, since the game is already a massive undertaking, and every new thing I have to program takes time.


Bohrok could possibly re-use a lot of the powers, but I decided to go with Skakdi instead as "elements, lite edition". They are simpler to shove into the existing animation system, since they have more existing sprites. Not saying that Bohrok couldn't be done, they are just not a priority.


Bohrok, -Kal and -Va will most likely appear as NPC enemies, so you will get to see them in-game, at least. :)



I already have sprites for Bohrok walking, headbutting, jumping/flying, firing powers, and getting hurt. They are pretty much done by InnerRayg already.


Something I could need is a sprite of a Rahkshi getting knocked down -- face down is probably easiest to sprite.

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Okay I'm going to try the rahkshi sprite, but can you please give me the current sprites for model :) I'm also going to try the rahkshi's armor ( I don't promises anithing, when I make sprites, they could be amazing or just ....^^')


I would be really happy to help ^^


Then I have a question : the visoraks sprite are juste wonderfull... do you provide to had them in the game ?

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I found 2 bugs : 1 one on the karda nui map : when you touch the left of the rock next to the left teleporter, you can't move ! and when you fly, if you press the jump button without realease it ther is not particle Under your feets... ^^' 

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Okay I'm going to try the rahkshi sprite, but can you please give me the current sprites for model :)

I have most of the Rayg kit (plus some of my own sprites) here: Dropbox (10.81 MB)


I would be really happy to help ^^

I appreciate the enthusiasm. :D


Then I have a question : the visoraks sprite are juste wonderfull... do you provide to had them in the game ?

They are going in-game sooner or later, yes. :)
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I'm also going to make the running rahkshi's sprites and can I make a flying rahkshi like in the mask of light ? ^^

Denevol has touched up my walk animation for Rahkshi, but feel free to try another variation (and especially one better suited for running). I also got flying Rahkshi, which you can find in the 2003 sheet of the Rayg collection, but a few more frames of animation might be nice to make the transition smooth.


I'll have to update this blog post today to make it a bit more up to date, I think.

EDIT: Done so.

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