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Back in Washington



Two flights and one last-minute apartment switch later, I'm back in Seattle (well, Redmond) for another summer at Microsoft!


As always, if you're going to be around the area anytime between now and August, drop me a line and I'm always down to hang out.


(Also: No I'm not on or in any way connected to the Xbox team, and I can guarantee whatever XBO joke you're about to make, I've heard it a thousand times. :P)


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Not the Xbox team, huh?


I suspect we're only skimming the surface here.


Glad to have ya back in the state, man. Just don't phone it in at work.

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(Also: No I'm not on or in any way connected to the Xbox team, and I can guarantee whatever XBO joke you're about to make, I've heard it a thousand times. :P)

People have been making jokes? Nothing about it seemed funny to me.


No but seriously sup.

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Yeah, those are the worst jokes ever. Of all time.


(Get it? Because of Washington? Eh? Eh?)


Also, your new apartment is in a complex filled with mutual killing and no way out. Upupupu (memory is the key. Get it? Because of my last reference? Eh? Eh?)

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