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Some things never change...

Taka Nuvia


blog-0353814001370893543.jpgLike for example my love for winged helmets. Not that any of you would ever have guessed that I like them :rolleyes:

The problem is, whenever there's one available in-game (in a PC RPG, of course) I'll do anything to get it. Usually I end up buying it [often at a ridiculous price*] even though I could also get it for free one or two episodes/levels/quests later.


Funniest part is that I often end up with two or more identical, yet awesome helmets over the course of the game. Ah well...


(yeah, I really don't have anything to blog about ^^")


*price as in, in-game money of course. I don't play games where you have to unlock stuff with real money. Seriously.


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For ten additional widgets after you've paid the sixty for the demo version, I'll include this gold-painted kanohi that has no additional powers, slows down your character immensely with its weight and is so flashy that it'll attract even the most far-off enemies.


But since you have a nice face, I'll make it three easy payments of 3.33 widgets (which I'm not sure how that works exactly. Sort of a pieces of eight thing I guess).

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For ten additional widgets after you've paid the sixty for the demo version, I'll include this gold-painted kanohi that has no additional powers, slows down your character immensely with its weight and is so flashy that it'll attract even the most far-off enemies.


But since you have a nice face, I'll make it three easy payments of 3.33 widgets (which I'm not sure how that works exactly. Sort of a pieces of eight thing I guess).


Did you just invent Widget cents?

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For ten additional widgets after you've paid the sixty for the demo version, I'll include this gold-painted kanohi that has no additional powers, slows down your character immensely with its weight and is so flashy that it'll attract even the most far-off enemies.


But since you have a nice face, I'll make it three easy payments of 3.33 widgets (which I'm not sure how that works exactly. Sort of a pieces of eight thing I guess).

Oh that's great, where do I sign? =D



For ten additional widgets after you've paid the sixty for the demo version, I'll include this gold-painted kanohi that has no additional powers, slows down your character immensely with its weight and is so flashy that it'll attract even the most far-off enemies.


But since you have a nice face, I'll make it three easy payments of 3.33 widgets (which I'm not sure how that works exactly. Sort of a pieces of eight thing I guess).


Did you just invent Widget cents?

He's just awesome like that xD

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