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Three Sentence Fic Requests

Little Miss Krahka


So this is a thing I did on other websites that was fun there and might be fun here.


Basically post a comment here with a pairing and/or character and an AU (alternate universe, for those who don't know) and I'll write a three sentence fic. Expect long, run-on sentences and semicolons.


So obviously you can request Bionicle fics and I'm fishing for Bionicle inspiration, but also anything from any of my other fandoms, particularly SWTOR, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. And My Little Pony.


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Flutterdash/Rarisparkle in the Angry Beavers universe ~


I'm sorry if Angry Beavers is not one of your AUs but it should be if it isn't.

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Paragon Shepard/Renegade Shepard in the Star Trek Universe.





"To **** with the Prime Directive, to **** with Federation command!" declared Captain Jane in their private quarters. "This'll all work out if we go about this calmly, now I'm sure that the Council will see reason. . ." "Who cares about the Council, if I have you?" she asked, before pulling him in for kiss with the same passion and rage she took to her command.





Flutterdash/Rarisparkle in the Angry Beavers universe ~


I'm sorry if Angry Beavers is not one of your AUs but it should be if it isn't.

Haven't watched Angry Beavers but here's a just a shot with them as a My Little Beavers AU.



"Oh Twilight, this will be the finest dam in all of Castoria! I'm so glad that you were able to help me finish this, oh, just imagine, people will come from all over to see this true work of art!" It wasn't difficult, moving things around with her magical powers, but Twilight Sparkle always wondered if she could make something as beautiful as Rarity.


Quick edit for the censored words.-Nukaya

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Glatorian x Sonic the Hedgehog shipping war


The screams of the arena filled the air with "No way it's canon!"s and "It's too adorable!"s, putting Kiina on edge. "There's too many of them, our canon's only sideways glances and a few suggestive quotes!" Sonic had the same answer: "Gotta go fast"

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Glatorian x Sonic the Hedgehog shipping war


The screams of the arena filled the air with "No way it's canon!"s and "It's too adorable!"s, putting Kiina on edge. "There's too many of them, our canon's only sideways glances and a few suggestive quotes!" Sonic had the same answer: "Gotta go fast"



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Proselytizing Hanar, a Volus, and an Elcor team up with the Dragonborn to help save Tamriel from the Darkspawn and Archdemon.

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Gamzee x Kopaka, Tunnel of Love ride.


Kopaka remained silent as he held Gamzee's hand as they entered the tunnel. Once they were in and alone, Kopaka felt the romance overtake him in a way that he never felt before and gave Gamzee a kiss. The troll's tongue tasted of Faygo.


Proselytizing Hanar, a Volus, and an Elcor team up with the Dragonborn to help save Tamriel from the Darkspawn and Archdemon.


The jellyfish thing wouldn't shut up about something called the "Enkindlers", but at least the large one had some serious firepower the likes of which the Dragonborn had never seen before, even if the round one had delusions of godhood.

Well, the Dragonborn had already slaughtered countless dragons, including one that may or may not have been a god. What's one more, plus an army and their Blight?


Garrus Vakarian and Ulfric Stormcloak, Three Legged Race


Ulfric felt the proud beat of his heart and the cold chill of the winter winds invigorating his Nordic spirit, and took a mighty step forward, giving a mighty shout as he fell straight onto his face.

"Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations."



Mordin Solus x Darth Volus Baras encounter Q.


"A deaf, blind, mute, lobotomy patient can sense my anger!" Darth Baras roared as Q just laughed at him when he turned his lightsaber into a bouquet of flowers, and was completely unaffected by his attempts to cause this "Q" pain through the Force.

"Anger issues," Mordin sniffed. "Advise therapy."

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Mordin Solus x Darth Volus Baras encounter Q.

"A deaf, blind, mute, lobotomy patient can sense my anger!" Darth Baras roared as Q just laughed at him when he turned his lightsaber into a bouquet of flowers, and was completely unaffected by his attempts to cause this "Q" pain through the Force.

"Anger issues," Mordin sniffed. "Advise therapy."



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Hmm... Jack and Merrill fight Lord Scourge in Apocrypha (somehow)?

Let's see if I can write Jack in a BZP friendly way. Hmmm . . .


"Hey, Merrill, get your . . . butt over here stop looking at all these . . . frakking books; we're on a mission, remember? You can look at them once we've kicked some big red . . . butt." "Someone's run out of money in the swear jaaaarrr," Merril said, giggling in a sing-song voice.

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Shale is the Dovahkiin.

"So, the grey-bearded one is telling me that I am to slay dragons?"

"Yes, Dovahkiin, you are our only hope to stop Alduin before he devours the world!"

"Why am I not surprised that my destiny is to smash the puny heads of very large flying creatures?"

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