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No, but you see, the answer is cleverly hidden. Bing has not failed you, it has clearly laid out the best course of action: you must follow Brutus' example.


Because, always remember, Brutus is an honorable man.

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Clearly you are now being smote for abandoning your Google overlords.


Alternately, deep down, you really just want to wear a tie and draw stuff.

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I never had any loyalty to Google. The functionality of their services vs Microsoft's is the same and Microsoft has a better grasp of aesthetics.

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become bing


and spout irrelevant information when asked questions


(and laugh about it in the super-secret Bing-Cave with your evil BingBuddies)


EDIT: how are those related searches related

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I never had any loyalty to Google. The functionality of their services vs Microsoft's is the same and Microsoft has a better grasp of aesthetics.

Personally, I prefer the minimalism of Google to the in-your-face graphical overload that is Bing. Maybe I'm just a product of another era.

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I searched this on Google and basically got the same stuff.


Proof that both Google and Bing are terrible at giving relational advice.

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