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The Killing

Laughing Man


without a doubt the most depressing show on television right now.


last night's episode literally had me sobbing



unrelated: anyone else ever wake up and think "I'm going to buy Michael Jackson's entire Epic Records studio discography" because I did


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Man, I have been trying to catch episodes of that show. Unfortunately I always miss it or I'm on the wrong channel. From what I've seen is looks good, hopefully pass the time while waiting for Korra season two.
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Yeah, I remember hearing people hated the season one ending. But it does seem they have improved. So hopefully on a random video website I might find the all the seasons. As well as Boardwalk Empire.
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I can see why people would've hated the season one finale when it first aired, because of how massive a cliffhanger it was


but since season two is a direct continuation of season one, when you watch through both seasons in a row it really doesn't matter


it flows pretty seamlessly

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I read something different, but either way it seems there has been an improvement in the show's quality (granted it was already good to begin with so that is always good). However I really want to start at season one so I don't miss anything important unless I can start at season three without missing much. In either case I really want to watch this.

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well yeah of course start with season one


I'm just sayin, the main complaint I heard about the S1 finale was the cliffhanger, which no longer really matters because you can now watch the first two seasons straight through without a six month wait between them


so the complaints are irrelevant now

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Agreed. Personally I always liked direct continuations. But at the moment I can find season two which is what I watching at the moment. My one complaint: so much grey. Luckily the beginning got me hooked.
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like I said, it's the most depressing show on television right now


not just in what occurs in the storyline but also in the overall tone, the setting, the style, everything


it's grey and rainy and bleak all the way through. even moreso in season three, which has a darker story.



also starting with season two is def not a good idea


I know of a couple places where you can watch it on mobile devices, they have all the episodes thus far and upload the new ones the night they air

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If you could be so kind as to maybe name the places, off BZP of course if you like, seeing as I really want to watch this show and it would be extremely appreciated.

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