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I am a feminist and...



My name is Naina and I am a feminist.

I am a feminist and I want a world where the word 'feminist' has no meaning.


I want a world where I can be free to be girly, boyish or neutral. I do not want to be constrained by narrow stereotypes, for I am a person and not a paper depiction of a woman. I want to be free to unite different cultures in my personality and embrace what I feel it means to be a woman. I want to be loving and emotional, without being told to "man up". I want to be tough and strong, in mind, body, heart and soul, without being told that I'm not a boy.


I want a world where I am free to screw up and not feel that I am bringing shame to my gender. I want a world where I am judged fairly on my own merits.


I want a world where I am different from my brother because I am an individual and not because I am a girl.

I want a world where we can all hug and love each other without slurs. I want a world where men are free to cry and kiss as women are expected to.


I want a world where people look at my heart before they look at my face. I want a world where all my face expresses is good-will and laughter.

I want a world where I can look at myself and think, "This is who I want to be." and not "Have I put on more weight?"

I want a world where women do not spend hours in front of the mirror agonising about that one pimple or those wrinkles. I want a world where wrinkles are a beautiful sign of wisdom and not a blemish.


I want a world where I can go drinking in the evening, have dinner with my friends of both genders, party past midnight, walk in the park in the white hours of the morning. I want a world where I am not told to stay home "like a good girl".

I want a world where the word 'woman' is not synonymous with 'weak'.


I want a world where athletic women can train in the gym without being treated like eye candy for male weightlifters. I want a world where a woman can be muscular without being "unfeminine".


I want a world where victims of violence are listened to, regardless of their gender. I want a world where both abusive men and women are punished and the innocent may live in peace.

I want a world where people stand up against harassment and discrimination. I want a world where I can take a bus without being groped, whistled at and insulted.


I want a world where being equal to all is not progressive. I want a world where gender, race, orientation, religion are as immaterial as your favourite colour. I want a world where being an equalist simply means being human.


I want a world where we can live as one.


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That... Was not what I was expecting... A world like that would be very, very nice. I just wish we could accept that people aren't designed to be shoved into a mold. When someone is different, or odd or doesn't quite fit in we exile them and bully them and treat them like they are nothing. And I am a shining example of how not to fit in. So needless to say I have been reminded time and time again that I am nothing and that nobody could ever love me for the way I am. but for some reason when someone tells me the opposite it is so very hard to accept.


Just my two cents or so. Yeah I really want a world where everyone can fit in...

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The amount of support I have for this entry could not fill the universe (it is that much support)

Same here. I'm pretty sure this is the best blog entry I've ever read. I agree so much with every single one of your words. Fantastic and beautiful.


-Gata signoff.png

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The amount of support I have for this entry could not fill the universe (it is that much support)
Same here. I'm pretty sure this is the best blog entry I've ever read. I agree so much with every single one of your words. Fantastic and beautiful.-Gata signoff.png

I agree with both of you. Fantastic blog entry, and I support it completely. I just hope no huge argument starts here...

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My name is Naina and I am a feminist.


I read this, and I wasn't sure.




I am a feminist and I want a world where the word 'feminist' has no meaning.


I read this and then I understood where you were going, and I wanted to take a ride on that train of thought.


I'm not saying I agree with every word of this; partly because I don't believe in a perfect world. In my opinion that would be thoroughly imperfect. But I will say this: What you have described here is a world that would be far better than our own. You painted a picture of what the world really should be. It's an ideal we all should strive for. I wish we could all live in a world like that.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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:kaukau: This is certainly a better world than the one we live in. While I agree with Nuile, as we have privately discussed at length our disbelief in a perfect world, your second sentence really sparked my interest, since that's the angle from which I approach feminist goals. Thank you for putting those thoughts into words, because you did a far better job than I ever did.


My other favorite thought here is when you say "I want a world where being an equalist means simply being human." That means a lot to me. I consider myself, in my day-to-day life, a humanitarian. It's plain, simple, and encompasses everything right about the way we should live life. I'm not a perfect humanitarian, but I have tried my best to be right with my fellow man, without exception.


Nice entry. I've known your feelings for a while, so perhaps this entry speaks more to me than it does to others thanks to my knowledge of the context, but nevertheless, you come off very strongly for your first time talking openly on BZPower about these things. I wish I could be as plainspoken as you.



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I actually agree a lot more with this than I would have expected with that title. I largely find myslef in the same boat as Kraggh. While I don't agree with everything, much of this is exactly how I feel, and I enjoyed reading this entry very much.


Of course, it's KH writing it, so I shouldn't find it surprising, I guess.

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