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Pahrak's Latest Bright Idea

Pahrak Model ZX


It’s insomnia-fueled idea sharing time again!


Due to some anime I've seen, I want to do a story with personifications of stuff, and right now I’m thinking I may try with the islands in Bionicle. Tentatively thinking title could be “Geonicle” (Geographical Chronicle)…anyway, it’d be about a bunch of Toa-like beings named after the various islands, with traits and abilities tied to that island. Interaction will hopefully imitate canon events. Also thinking each one can summon a “Geo Blade,” with the size reflecting the size of the island they represent. Might also give each one an Element. Anywho, character brainstorming! See if you can get all the jokes!


-Mata (Nui): Male, looks like Glatorian Mata Nui with a Kanohi Hau. Thinks he’s above everyone else, sometimes pretends the other Islands don’t exist. Capable of flinging Bohrok out of his body. Earth.


-Metru (Nui): Female, maybe Toa Metru design? Strict and serious, considers self very sophisticated. Also flings Bohrok. Psionics.


-Voya (Nui): Female, not sure on design. Used to be very sickly, but since getting better she’s become a real travel fanatic. Generally rather quiet, but extremely powerful. Clumsy, usually crashes into Mahri. Stone.


-Mahri (Nui): Female, probably Hahli Mahri design. Though she used to be very kind, over the years she’s grown increasingly crazy and sadistic. However, each day she reverts to her old self for about an hour, which the other Islands refer to as “safe hour”, and she never takes her anger out on Voya. Water.


-Karda (Nui): Female, don’t know about design. Energetic beyond belief, very powerful, capable of charging the other Islands. Also a very good cook. Lightning.


-Karzahni: Probably just going to use the being that’s already named Karzahni. Plasma.


-Artakha: Same. Gravity.


-Zakaz: Male, obviously a Skakdi. Rude and violent, routinely breaks into Voya’s home while she’s gone to try to rob her (usually beaten up by Mahri). Has Utility Vision, which lets him do pretty much anything with his eyes. Air.


-Xia: Female, probably Roodaka-based. Has a mind for business, great at making things, traitorous. Magnetism.


-Stelt: Male, looks like Krekka. Big, strong, and dumb. Obsessed with Visorak, usually manipulated by Xia. Ice.


-Destral: Male, looks like a Makuta. Hates the other Islands, routinely tries to destroy them. Has a habit of popping up out of nowhere. Shadow.


-Odina: Male, probably based on the Shadowed One. Has a criminal empire, along with an eye for business that enables him to get along well with Xia. Often gets in fights with Destral. Sonics.


-Daxia: Female, Helryx-like. Tough and sometimes violent. Likes to watch Destral and Odina fight. Light.


-Nynrah: Male, maybe a Fe-Matoran? Keeps to himself most of the time, but people will often ask him to make things for them. Artakha values his work, but Xia seems him more as a competitor. Iron.


-Visorak: Male, not a whole lot of details aside from ability to fling Visorak and shoot webs like Spider-Man. The Green.


-Artidax: Male, don’t know about design, probably an explosive temper. Stole something from Destral a few years back—Destral wants to retrieve it, but Daxia is also trying to get her hands on it. Fire.


-Thinking I could also include the planets at some point. Bara (Magna) would be very independent, but nobody really likes him. Bota (Magna) is a nice enough guy, but no one knows he exists, or bothers to remember his name or anything. Aqua (Magna) is well-liked, seen as a big sister by the Islands. Not 100% sure on how Spherus (Magna) would be represented though.


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Personifications? That would make for an interesting story. I hope you can flesh this idea out. As for Spherus Magna...



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It'll probably be more comedy than anything else. (Well, my attempt at comedy.) I do, however, hope to eventually make a serious story using the Islands, but I'd like to spend some time working them out through comedies first.

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Dude, I had this exact same idea recently. Haven't put the same amount of thought into it that you have, but I really did think about it. Weird coincidence.


Have you watched Hetalia: Axis Powers, per chance? It has the same concept, except applied to real world nations (so we have characters named Germany, Japan, Italy, etc.).



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Hetalia was one of the things that inspired this idea, actually. Though I realize I'll need to cut back on the offensive humor if I go through with this. :P

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