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Toa Lhikan Hordika










Hold on, hold on...




Okay, I'm done. Well this week has been very long, but I'm not gonna post the whole thing because it would take too long to write as well as read.


Basically, all in a nut shell, I had a sore throat earlier this week and I had to go to the doctor's office about it and my doctor asked me if I was smoking! Though none of you can testify to the contrary, believe me, I don't smoke. Too many reasons not to.


1) I have 3 younger siblings that look up to me

2) I have asthma

3) I don't wanna be addicted

4) Smoking doesn't interest me


It turns out, he asked me that because of how bad of a state my lungs are in... so yeah, I'm taking an inhaler 4 times a day and if I don't improve within two weeks, there's reason for serious concern. Prayers are appreciated.


Anyways, here's the long awaited Easter Random Fact:


Random Fact of the Day:


According to the English book of Common Prayer, "Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon which happens upon, or next after the 21st day of March; and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday after."


Why such an odd definition? March 21 is the vernal equinox -- the day on which the length of daylight equals the length of darkness as the days are lengthening in the spring. The traditional Jewish calendar is based on moon phases, which is how the phase of the moon enters into the definition -- when they were determining what day Easter would fall on, they deferred to the Jewish practice of using moon phases to decide the timing of holidays.


Using this method, Easter can only occur between March 22 and April 25.


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I pray you get better.

Jews don't cellebrate Easter, they cellebrate Passover. They don't only use the moon to tell them when Passover is, they use the barly (sp?) harvest too. If the barly isn't ripe when the moon is ready, they can't have Passover yet.

Sorry about that, I just had to tell you.


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I'm keeping you in my prayers, TLH, and I hope it clears up soon. :(


Using this method, Easter can only occur between March 22 and April 25.

So now I know never to expect Easter anytime in June!




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Hope you get well....Asthma is annoying. I have it, and I had a very,very,very hard time running the mile.

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