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I Guess The Bigger Question Is



Is there even an audience that still reads my blog at all?


Like no replies lately. Or maybe it's just that my content's been boring. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? CAT PICTURES? I MAY HAVE SOME OF THOSE ACTUALLY.


But I'll post a short list of borning updates anyway. :P

  • Nano: Have 12,000 words written. But I'm progressing so far in the plot that I'm afraid I might finish before I hit the goal. Like, my other related stories have only gotten to 30K-40K, and I'm not going to add in excess just for the sake of work count. Oh well.
  • PortLUG: I'm finally going to try and attend a LUG meeting for the first time. And see if I can help out for Bricks Cascade somehow.
  • I have a second job interview for tomorrow, so I should stop blogging and go think about that.
  • There's also that brick game on the Lego Movie site that I've gotten addicted to. That's probably not a good thing for productivity.
  • Also the new Lego Movie sets are so awesome. On one hand, I think a bunch of the vehicle mechs will probably only get short cameos in the actual movie. On the other hand, when else would we get city vehicle mechs? Lots of people don't like em, but I think they're great. Also there's a higher percentage of female figs in this sets, although most of them seem to be the damsels in distress. Still, so much want! Need to get a job just so I can afford these!
  • Oh right, interview, gonna stop procrastinating.



Recommended Comments

I personally read most of your entries, but I don't always comment, because I'm incredibly busy right now and don't have the time to type a well-thought-out reply. :P



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I generally read most of your entries here. I just have the bad habit of "looking and leaving," so I tend not to leave comments a lot. Sorry.


(Good Luck with your interview, xccj. I hope you do well, sir. :) )


- JMJ 2013

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Today's lesson is that we all read. But we make no sound. We simply watch, and wait. And watch. Always, always watching.


(Good luck with the interview, and nice job on NaNo!)

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when b6 says he reads your blog u know u doin ok

B6 reads everybody's blog, that's why he installed all those surveillance cameras. He can even see your locked entries! BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!! :o


So, in summery, it's not the audience, it's the content. Well, I guess now I'll post weekly attendance entries. :P Thanks for commenting, and I'll soon return to the "nothing worth posting about" content soon!



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