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Feeling sick

Taka Nuvia


Sick as in ill as in can't eat anything and feeling miserable all the time. I am literally living on water and some dextrose now. >< Ew. Oh and of course I barely slept last night because of all this.


*complain, complain*


Edit: Day 2 Update: thankfully it's getting better already. Still cold, still miserable, but I can at least eat stuff again. (as in, simple things like bread.) ^^


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? Hours after Blackout: Who knows what day?


Protalgif was standing above the city, again, looking down. Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling in his head. One of his players was sick! He looked with rage upon the city, and searched until he found Taka Nuvia. She was indeed sick, and the Cheshire Cat, Burnmad, and fishers64 all stood around her, wishing she would get better.


Protalgif raised the Staff of Unlimited Power above his head, and gave Burnmad a microscopic flamethrower to burn the viruses up. He also gave the hope of the Cheshire Cat and fishers physical form, in the form of SUPER DOCTOR MAN.


SUPER DOCTOR MAN looked over Taka Nuvia, and he began to do his best at making her feel better. Protalgif then put the Staff back on his back, and then simply said "Get well soon."


Lol that was fun. =P

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-Walks in after Portalgif leaves and has serious questions about what just happened-


O.o ... Only on BZPower...


Anyway, I heard you were feeling glum, so I decided to type out a text message expressing my wishes for you to terminate your illness.


I hope it helps!

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Feel better! I just spent several days bedridden and not sleeping, so I have the fresh experience of knowing how much it sucks.

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-Walks in after Portalgif leaves and has serious questions about what just happened-


O.o ... Only on BZPower...


Heh. Outsiders.


It's Mafia stuff. =P


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