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The worst days are those where you can't draw at all

Taka Nuvia


... not a single line. Particularly annoying if you're sick, too. ><


Although to be fair, I am getting better. Slowly. ._.


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I know just how you feel, though usually more for writing. Sometimes you just can't get a single line right. Or less than that. And then "those days" stretch out into weeks.

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^This. Although not as often these days, because of the awesomeness of willpower.


But drawing is harder in that respect, because you kinda have to start with a picture in your head, and if the pictures aren't coming, you have more trouble. (I am speaking from limited drawing experience, but from what I know...:shrugs:)

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- :burnmad:




Normally I find that if you just take a break and draw nonsensical squiggles you'll eventually wind up with modern art. =P

But if I can't even draw nonsensical squiggles? D:


I know just how you feel, though usually more for writing. Sometimes you just can't get a single line right. Or less than that. And then "those days" stretch out into weeks.

Oh dear... yes, I suppose art block and writer's block are more or less the same, or at lest very, very similar...


^This. Although not as often these days, because of the awesomeness of willpower.


But drawing is harder in that respect, because you kinda have to start with a picture in your head, and if the pictures aren't coming, you have more trouble. (I am speaking from limited drawing experience, but from what I know... :shrugs:)

Apart from the pictures not coming, there's something even worse: if you see the pictures, but you just can't. Draw. Them. And the more you try to, the more vague the image in your mind becomes and the more horrible the drawing turns out. ><

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