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One Year Already?



My goodness, has it been one year already? I guess so, because that shiny Vahi is telling me so. :P


Let's see, when I first became a member I (of course) did some pretty newb-ish things that I wish I could take back. But I posted my first MOC, which was a customazation of Voporak, and I was very proud of that MOC, I thought I could never top that...little did I know.


After dicovering Brickshelf I was amazed at the MOCs I saw, and they made me want to MOC so very much more that I ripped apart my two favorite sets at the time; Roodaka and Sidorak. In no time I had made a MOC out of those two sets and looking back at it now it was very horrible, but back then I thought it was the greatest.


Then I did some minor MOCing including an all gray Rahkshi and a couple Dark Hunter, of which I was very fond of at the time and is the reason I started out being DarkHunterSZ.


But then BBC #37 came around and I entered my Ninjo: The Four-Legged Dark Hunter, sure it didn't really fit the theme one bit, but it was my first step to becoming a real MOCist. It lost in the prelims, but I still got a fair amount of votes, which made me very happy. Hey, even now I look back at my Ninjo and think that it was a solid MOC.


Around this time is when I met my best friend Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. Boy, she has been awesome. She has been the greatest of friends to me, she always makes me laugh, but yet she can be serious in a flash. No she is not my girlfriend, just a friend who happens to be a girl. I say, if I were to have met her in the way she met me I don't think I would've stayed in thouch with her, but no, she has always been so kind and such an amazing friend. I can't thank you enough, Turakii. :)


I didn't enter BBC #38 or #39 because I was not an experienced enough MOCist and could not make a MOC to fit either theme. But in the mean time I was doing my PBZP, and boy, was it gaining popularity (not as much as Mikey's, no, but it was popular to me).


About this time (I think) I started writing short stories. I entered the Short Story contest, but didn't do anything in it. After that I wrote a couple other stories that were okay, but not that great. The last two that I wrote were extremely depressing and I wondered if anyone would even post in them. Sometime I wonder if the person reading these stories think I'm a girl, since my two main characters in both the my stories have been girls. :P


Then, about the time I finished my PBZP, I entered BBC #40 with my HyperMecha MOC. It was my first BBC entry to make it to the semi-finals. It lost, yes, but it, like my Ninjo, made me very happy. I felt like I could make anything.


I finished my PBZP quietly, or so it seemed because hardly anyone posted in the topic. My PBZP, as I look at it now wasn't all that great and I wish I had the time to re-MOC all of them but a few.


BBC #41 came around and I made one of my best creations yet, my sandwhich entry Vahki Supreme: The Annihilator. I thought for sure it would do well, since I thought it was so good, but no, it didn't do that well at all. But I think all that did was make me want to make better and better MOCs.


BBC #42 came along and I made it to the semi-finals, but now it looks as though I may not make it any further. But that's okay, I pretty sure I can live through it. ;)


And now, finally, I have gotten my one-year-Vahi. And all I can say is this: THANK YOU BZPOWER FOR ONE AWESOME YEAR! :happydance:





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Lucky.....I only needed 2 more votes to get into the semis.(Too little advertising) Good luck.

Congrats on your Vahi.

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What about me? Didn't I do something for you?


Nah. I'm not that nice :P

Well, um, I've never met you before...or even talked to you. :P
Lucky.....I only needed 2 more votes to get into the semis.(Too little advertising) Good luck.

Congrats on your Vahi.

Advertizing?! Ha! Who needs that? I made it to the semis without it! ;)





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Glad you had an awesome year at BZP -SZ- :)

About BBC 42, and the poll we're in, we might both get to the finals, we're tied right now. Well, that'd be good :)


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came around and I made one of my best creations yet, my sandwhich entry Vahki Supreme: The Annihilator.

So it wasn't a sandwich? :o


Congratulations on the one-year, -SZ-! Careful with that Vahi, because, apart from being beautifully shiny and practically irresistable, there are some very confused MOCs out there who might get the idea it's edible.


Not that it isn't edible... I tried to eat mine once, but I smacked my head so many times on the screen I decided it didn't want to be disturbed.


Anyways, a happy one-year, and I hope you stick around for at least two more! :happy:




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Glad you had an awesome year at BZP -SZ- :)

About BBC 42, and the poll we're in, we might both get to the finals, we're tied right now. Well, that'd be good :)


Yay! We did both make it to the finals! :happydance: You deserved it! ;)
came around and I made one of my best creations yet, my sandwhich entry Vahki Supreme: The Annihilator.

So it wasn't a sandwich? :o


Congratulations on the one-year, -SZ-! Careful with that Vahi, because, apart from being beautifully shiny and practically irresistable, there are some very confused MOCs out there who might get the idea it's edible.


Not that it isn't edible... I tried to eat mine once, but I smacked my head so many times on the screen I decided it didn't want to be disturbed.


Anyways, a happy one-year, and I hope you stick around for at least two more! :happy:




Sorry, it really wasn't a sandwhich. :P And yes, I'll be careful to not eat my Vahi. :P





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Congrats, SZ!

You may not have ever heard of me before, but I'm that nerd that lurks around BBC and Turakii's blog. That's most likely see me there, 'cause you.. umm... also...do...stuff...there.

(No, that's not ellipses)

Yeah, only around 20 something days till I get my vahi.



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