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A little bit of photography





So that's a tiny adorable little mushroom I found at the start of December. I wish the picture wasn't so dark, but the light was really poor and I had to shoot using very high ISO, and it was already so grainy I didn't want to go higher. I went back the next day when there was better light, but unfortunately the teensy thing had collapsed. I'm still quite fond of the picture even if it would have been greatly improved by better lighting conditions.


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I want this in the highest resolution possible so I can a) bask in its glory and b) carry it around on a flash drive so I can set it as the desktop background of every computer I see

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@Tak: The name of the photograph or the type of mushroom? I know neither. teehee.png


@Obessionist: :V


@Paleo: I googled "Nat Geo" and then felt stupid for not realising it was short for National Geographic. I imagine their contests would have some super serious competition though. I'd hardly stand a chance.


@Sumiks: I had absolutely no idea anybody would like this that much, but well, I feel obligated to give you the unnecessarily big highest resolution possible 6016x4000 original (complete with horrifying amounts of grain).

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