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So Nukaya and I were talking about BIONICLE-based kids' names...



So Maddison and I were trying to come up with ridiculous kids' names if we someday far, far, far, far, far, far away from now decide to have some for some reason. We were like "OMG, let's name them after BIONICLE characters, [Maddison's] mom would hate that!!"


(One of our side projects is to come up with names, like we did for our new kitten [Purroblem Sleuth] that Maddison's mom hates and refuses to say.)


We decided on two kids, and they will have the following names:


Good Guy, and her brother, Bad Guy.


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Too generic, you should find some of the names with Zs and like 3 Ks in them instead. :P


Although in all honesty, I could see myself using one of the original Toa names on a kid...



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I sometimes fantasize with my brother about what BIONICLE and LEGO names we could give our (obviously not common ;)) kids, but we never thought of those two. Brilliant. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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I think Hahli wouldn't be too bad. Most people would just assume you're trying to make "Holly" into some weird spelling (like people do with Jason -> Jacen, Madison -> Madasyn, etc)

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GG = Ghabulous Ghoti. OC do not steal.


Not sure what to think of the names. I think it would be somewhat demoralizing to have to go through life as "Bad Guy". And Good Guy would feel too pressured to live up to her name and it wouldn't end well.


Although I think that this is a trope joke, but the above logic just doesn't leave my brain...

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Although I think that this is a trope joke, but the above logic just doesn't leave my brain...

It's a joke because there were two polybag characters released with those names. We thought that it was funnier if out of all the ridiculously made up names, we chose those two as "BIONICLE names".



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