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Garreg Mach

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Exploding Head Syndrome



Yes, this is actually a thing, and thank god.


Why? I was rather stressed and extremely tired as I headed into my second week of Christmas Vacation, and halfway through the week I suffered "exploding head syndrome", though I only just found that out today after searching "brain explodes" on Google. It's hard to describe, but basically I was sort-of awake but not really one night when I heard and felt what sounded like a cannon or a gunshot, which is pretty freaky at 3am. I don't know if I couldn't move or if I just didn't want to move, but I do know that I didn't move at all for awhile afterwards. I did feel the fear and anxiety both before and after (duh) the sound, as well as the typical rush of adrenaline.


Everything I experienced matches up, plus the entry says that attacks can be one-time events (I hope this is true if this is what I had/have?, because I'd rather not have that occur throughout my life. While this might not necessarily be what I experienced, it does provide me with an explanation and does appear to match up.


Since my father, who has far, far, FAR better hearing than I and wakes up at the sound of the cat walking in the carpeted hall, did not hear anything that night.


This article on the issue is pretty interesting too. At least it's not harmful.


Considering my extremely high stress, anxiety, and fatigue during the break, I wouldn't be too surprised if I did go through this. Woooo


Anyway, that's your rare glimpse into my personal life, although it's not so much my personal life as me... I cut some stuff (stress causes etc.) out because privacy.




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