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Pokemon Is Work



Pokemon Diamond came out Sunday. It's now Friday and I've already put around 30 hours into the game. To put things in perspective, I work only 20 hours a week. And I'm only just now about to challenge the third gym leader.


I've been spending time in the Underground getting fossils, spheres, and decking out the secret base that nobody will probably see (nobody I know is getting Diamond or Peal so odds are I'm never getting Spiritomb legitimately). I've also entered contests (already won Cute, Cool, and Smart at Normal Rank). There's honestly just so much to do in this game. Battles are hardly the most of it.


Plus I don't have fly yet, so when nighttime rolls around I have to stop what I'm doing and go running around various areas trying to grab time exclusives (Murkrow's the big problem child right now). My team is pretty set right now, though I can see future need for expansion (won't get far without a good psychic type). If anybody's interested, I'm slowly trying to collect extras of the version exclusive Pokes, this includes future need for GBA exclusives.


I've got Leaf Green, Sapphire, and of course Diamond available. As well as Collisseum (though I've yet to beat it...and can't get them to the GBAs until I've purified all of them...at least I think). Whatever the case, if you start having offers available (starters who aren't Piplup, Bulbasaur, or Torchic), or just want to help me swing a temp trade so your Machoke can evolve, let me know. I'm about to graduate, and with work being only M-F my weekends will and evenings are hopefully going to start freeing up so I have time to hop on the WiFi...once I get it set up of course.


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Wow! You're just as far in Diamond as I am! How soon till you post your friend code, do you think?


~ :h: :t:


EDIT: Ugh. I hate it when the Fast Reply doesn't keep the line breaks.

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I can get you a Spiritomb if you want.

Already? Wow! And it's legit? I'm up for a trade. Is there anything you'd actually want or would this be one of those "Junk Trades" :)


And Hydruka, I've got my Friend Code posted. It's in the "Vital Links" section of the blog sidebar as well as in my sig. ;)

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It will take like a week or two, since I am not releasing my code until I get my team on the go at least.

I was just about to ask if I already had your code or not. I've got my code out right now, but it's mostly because I want to start building a list of people I can trade and trust not to try and gip me out of Pokes.


I'm starting to hear horror stories about the GTS and people putting out offers and getting hacked Pokemon or Pokemon stuffed with HMs.

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I'm starting to hear horror stories about the GTS and people putting out offers and getting hacked Pokemon or Pokemon stuffed with HMs.

You can trust me. ;)



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