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Coliseum Reboot Draft

Pahrak Model ZX


I'm starting to get an idea together, but I want to run it by you guys first. Take a look:


-Titled "Technic Warzone"

-Fighters have a stat total of 12 by default. The sponsor can allocate another 8 when they start sponsoring. (Thank you, Pulsating Explosive!)

-Trainers will be removed altogether.

-Stat boost items will have explicit fixed values. (1 for most, 3 for “large boost”) The Golden Kanohi and Staff of Mind Reading will be removed.

-Champions still get a free item. The reigning Champion for each season will be given an extra stat point that the sponsor can give to whichever stat they choose, but this stat point will go away when the next tournament comes around.

-Upgrades provide abilities, but no stat boost. They will also be reduced in price to 20,000 W.

-Players now begin with 25,000 W. I am also introducing a Widget limit of 75,000 W.

-Player list will be put in a blog post with Widget counts, items, and the fighters they sponsor

-A new item or upgrade will be introduced that will allow the sponsor to redistribute the 8 bonus stat points.

-Play will be divided into three types: regular Coliseum play, which will be mostly the same; Tournament play, which will be pretty similar to how it is now (no stat redistribution, since we have the new stat system should fix that, but we will have an item limit); and a new type...

-Warzone: A brutal game of chance that resets every Friday. Players will state that they wish for their fighter to attack another fighter (be specific), and I’ll roll a die. If you get a 1, your target dies and is eliminated from this week’s Warzone; anything else, they live. When your fighter dies (or when the Warzone is reset at the end of the week), you receive 5,000 W for every fighter you successfully eliminated. Even if you’re inactive, your fighter will still be an eligible target! (If you know ahead of time that you will be inactive for an extended period of time, please inform me and I will grant your fighter Warzone immunity for the requested amount of time.)

-There may be some items to affect Warzone play, still working on it. Also, if you sponsor multiple fighters, you will only be able to target one fighter at a time, and you will receive fewer Widgets per kill (since you are essentially surviving multiple hits).


Any thoughts?


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I like it, buuut I can see how people wouldn't like it as much. For example, those who like to improve their stats and work on that would be disappointed by this, but I myself like it quite a bit.

Would certainly help with drawing new players.


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I like it. It's a lot more welcoming to new players and a lot more reliant on skill and strategy, with the warzone to keep people interested and something to do when not in a match.

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Wow.. I have to say I would likely not be coming back. I mean kind of irks me when i have put so much work into Kopaka and was the first person in this version of Technic coliseum to even sponsor a fighter. I mean if you wanted to run this as a side game i could understand but as a complete removal of the previous Technic coliseum replacing it with this.. Well i wish you luck.


And on another note I feel the only thing that made Technic Coliseum different from similar things is the stats and the ability to improve them. I mean this your essentially saying 'Eh let's all set everyone at the same stat amount and forego anything to make a fighter different'. I mean i understand we have items and what not but still.. There are only so many stat combinations you can do until you meet someone with the same stats.. And on the regards to items if you do this i would suggest getting rid of items such as the Suletu. That item is already evil as it is but with this it would just be infuriating.


Also on the topic of stats I would like to go down saying that Just because you have a lower fighter fighting a higher ranking fighter does not mean automatic win for the higher. Heck look at flare versus kopaka, gali versus kopaka. There are ways to do it. You just have to bloody plan and strategize. I spend hours perhaps even days reading through my opponents previous strategies they have used and stare at their stats and items trying to think what i would do in their shoes if i was fighting me. It's all about planning and figuring out your opponent.

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This does not remove everything that makes fighters different. Each will still have his or her basic abilities and Elemental Powers, and different Upgrades based on their type. Indeed, this game is meant to be about strategy, but when you have massive stat totals you can more or less rest on them, even if there are times when a well-made strategy can overcome that edge. Judging by the lack of activity in the Coliseum, I think it's easy to say that high stats either encourage complacency or deter matches--probably both.


We have a handful of active players, low Tournament participation, and virtually no matches in-between Tournaments. It's obvious to me that the current Coliseum has reached its expiration date. Rather than continuing to watch it limp on like this, I'd rather rebuild it and give it some new life.

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Alright well let me ask you this. What will you do to make it worth some of the people who have spent a butt-load of time improving their fighters? I mean frankly I am against just pretty much saying. Oh your all equal and all the previous work you put into your fighter shall be forgotten. That does not bode with me well at all... I mean what.. what encouragement is there to come back to the tournament? I mean in the last several months it has all but forgotten why it was created original instead going for an 'Equality' view. Which frankly not all fighters are equal. That is just a fact of life.

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Vox, when your highest fighter, Kopaka, is Class... J (? Something absurdly high.), with the old tournament system you would have no reason to come back to the tournament at all because Kopaka is about several classes higher than the next highest fighter. You would 'win' instantly and get widgets for fighting nobody.


What encouragement is there when there is nobody to fight at your own level? I'd like to see a Class A fighter try and beat Kopaka, but it isn't very likely when we take into account the sheer stat differences. Your complaint about 'no encouragement' is silly considering the level Kopaka is at. How often does Kopaka fight now? Not very often.


Also, Pahrak, I have an idea to re-purpose the Class System: not based on stats because that wouldn't work now, but on number of matches won.


Class A: 0 Victories

Class B: 3 Victories

Class C: 8 Victories

Class D: 15 Victories

Class E: 24 Victories


And so on. In tournaments, this could also be used to match up fighters before mixing them as the pool of fighters thins out. Though this may scare people away, so it's not exactly a good idea...

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Thing is i have accepted the new tournament style.. However I was against the class tournament from the beginning. Preferred the original tournament style where everyone was fighting against each other..


However i am just say i hate for those of us who have worked on our fighters. For example Flare, Electro, Kopaka and other higher class fighters should get something in return for working to improve our fighters.. Perhaps a single extra stat point to one stat in this reboot? Something to acknowledge it at least.


And i would just like to state that Kopaka hasn't always been the highest fighter. There was a time when everyone feared onua in the beginnings of the Technic Coliseum. Heck i even made a short story about it.

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@Pulsating Explosive: That’s an interesting possibility. It leads me back to my original concerns with listing win counts—that it might affect my judgment when resolving a match—so I’ll have to think about it. At the very least, I will be keeping track of who has won how many Tournaments (probably with a “Hall of Fame” blog post), which could serve a similar function.


@Vox: I realize that this is wiping the save data of current players, and I do apologize, but that is unavoidable at this point. I have always wanted the Coliseum to be equal for all fighters—if the game is not equal for all players, then where’s the fun for those who aren’t favored? Building a level playing field is the only smart way to go.


As for encouragement to come back, there is still the gameplay itself, and the chance to fight new fighters, or engage old ones with new strategies. You can still purchase items to increase your strategic choices, and the different possibilities that presents, combined with upgrades and the Arenas variable, still gives a wide range of fresh gameplay. Also, I’m hoping the new Warzone gameplay will add some variety since it is based solely on chance. And if an individual simply doesn’t want to come back, they can say so—I’m not trying to hold anyone here against their will.


To be frank, Vox, I have to believe you have at least some idea that big stats are a problem. You have frequently made note of the fact that no one will challenge Kopaka. I interpreted that as you being bored, and it is my job as host to keep players from getting bored if at all possible, hence my numerous attempts to rework Tournaments so that they may be enjoyed by players of all Classes. I will accept some blame: the stat system was a bit broken to start with, and it just didn’t become an issue in the old, pre-crash Coliseum because no one put as many resources into the “stat race” as they are in the current Coliseum. Had I not used the system in the first place, it would not have led to you and others using up all the resources you did—I apologize for that. At this point, I can only hope to stop this issue from playing out again with other participants.


I will consider an extra bonus for returning players whose fighters are above a certain Class. But consideration is all I can promise, as I really do want Technic Warzone to be as level as possible.

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I'm not really sure what to think, to be honest.


One on hand, I see that Technic Coliseum has been growing quite slow and does not have much activity nowadays. People just wait around for the tournament for any activity, and never fight outside of it.


But on the other side, I don't really want to lose all the progress I have made. I have bought tons of items, and trained my fighters. I've worked my fighters up and gotten them optimized, and I don't want to lose that.


In one week, Technic Coliseum will have it's one year anniversary. I don't want to lose 51 weeks of progress, training and the like. I have worked hard for this, and I do not want to lose everything.


I don't know what to do. I recognize that the game is slow, but I have no clue how to fix it.

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I'm not really sure what to think, to be honest.


One on hand, I see that Technic Coliseum has been growing quite slow and does not have much activity nowadays. People just wait around for the tournament for any activity, and never fight outside of it.


But on the other side, I don't really want to lose all the progress I have made. I have bought tons of items, and trained my fighters. I've worked my fighters up and gotten them optimized, and I don't want to lose that.


In one week, Technic Coliseum will have it's one year anniversary. I don't want to lose 51 weeks of progress, training and the like. I have worked hard for this, and I do not want to lose everything.


I don't know what to do. I recognize that the game is slow, but I have no clue how to fix it.

You and I are in the same boat Canis. Given we have been part of the Technic Coliseum since nearly the very beginning.. But alas it seems we shall just have to accept this eventuality. I mean it sounds like Pahrak is pretty set on this. However at least Canis it sounds as though we will be able to claim our fighters again. I sure as heck know i am not ready to give up kopaka and nocturn.


@Pahrak: Thing is i shall admit I have not really actively seeked any matches because i have been busy with real life matters and as such have not been seeking them.


However on that last note all i can ask is you place it into consideration. And really in the long run one stat point will not make that much of a difference.

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You do realize I joined seven hours after you did, right? We both joined on the first day. I was the fourth player to join.

Ah no i hadn't

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I'm...surprisingly okay with this. I've always been more motivated by enjoyment than by achievement. I had fun playing and upgrading my fighters, so the time I spent isn't a waste in my mind. If anything, this offers a chance to do it all over again.


At the same time I think that eliminating stat trainers altogether might be overkill. Could it work to set limits instead, such as a maximum stat total or a limited number of trainers per tournament cycle?

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Keeping trainers with a stat limit would be possible, I suppose. Still, I would want to set it rather low in order to keep things as equal as possible, and I'm not sure if those few points would be worth it.

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While we're at it, I'd suggest either removing the Yesterday Quest toa from the roster or giving them an upgrade that lets them choose "basic weapons" (essentially a more limited MOC Mocha). They have a huge disadvantage otherwise.

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True. I'll allow sponsors of fighters without weapons to pick a basic weapon to use. Also, I think I'll give all fighters Elemental Powers by default, although with some fighters, sponsors may choose their Element.

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I haven't played Coliseum because it's a bit confusing for me, since it's been going on for so long... but with a reboot I think I'd likely participate.

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I haven't been playing for 3 months now, butbI can say that I like where this is going, from all the points stated above.


And I think that perhaps granting the players who put in a lot of effort an extra stat point or two would be a good idea. It's not game-breaking in the long run and they feel some acknowledgement.



Oh yes finally someone who realised Zaria's problem. :P

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