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What About... A D&D RPG



So in Portalfig's blog, a few of us noted how many of us had so many profiles made. After thinking of what to do, a few of us (myself included) wondered if we could have an RPG. So I ask, why not? Of course, I won't be the one to do it, because I don't have the skill necessary. But who knows?


Also, I retook the test again. I only got better stats. Here they are.


Ability Scores:

Strength- 12

Dexterity- 11

Constitution- 11

Intelligence- 14

Wisdom- 14

Charisma- 13


EDIT: Bumped so this doesn't drop off the face of the blogs too soon.

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Yeah, are we talking playing a TBRPG like common over in the forums, or actually playing D&D? Because the two are quite different and require us to plan completely in completely different ways. =P

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From what I can tell, the majority of us are leaning towards an actual game of D&D. Not sure it could be done on BZP, probably more like an event like BZPc or something.

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I want a TBRPG, because we wouldn't have to create new accounts, and we could have it up for a while.


Roll20 would be the best option if it isn't on BZP.

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i'd like an ACTUAL DnD game online

but could i make two characters? i wanna bring my backflipping femur-wielding caveman along with a wizard

because why not.

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Why can't we... Have an ACTUAL DnD game... On BZP? So like a text based game, except not like the common ones here, but like how you'd see in stories about it and such.

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femurs. they're stronger than concrete.

(it was really just a sword looted from a corpse which everyone just called a femur)

oh well. squishy wizardman it is.

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femurs. they're stronger than concrete.

(it was really just a sword looted from a corpse which everyone just called a femur)

oh well. squishy wizardman it is.



But seriously, do we know anywhere that allows us to do this off-site? Or could we possibly do a group PM?

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that d20 thing sounded like a possibility.


or maybe a wizard/monk. ooh. that'd be fun. i'd do that. even though i got -25 for monk, it sounds fun.

punchy squishy wizard.

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Xaeraz. There is no debate here; if Xaeraz has the time, he must be the one.


However; will this work for those who don't have the rulebooks themselves?? Because that's my biggest problem...

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I can find 14 of the 15 handbooks players could possibly need online.

I assume you'll tell us about the things that we cannot find then?

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I'll get up a collection of links tomorrow. But in the meantime, here is a list of all the books.

Players Handbooks:

Martial Power 1
Martial Power 2
Arcane Power
Divine Power
Primal Power
Psionic Power

Heroes of Feywild
Heroes of Shadow
Heroes of Elemental Chaos

Setting Players Guides:
Dark Sun
Forgotten Realms

In addition, here is how classes work.

There are four types of classes: Leader (Support), Defender (Tanking), Controller (Crowd Control), and Striker (1v1 Damage)

Leader classes:






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The quiz is from 3.5e, and does not create actual characters. I would use the suggested class, if you want, or do something else entirely. Also, this is 4e stuff.


Also, we really want a balance of controllers, strikers, leaders and defenders.

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Wait, Roll20 actually lets you play any version of D&D, right? So we could plausibly use the profiles we have and use those to play.


Of course, if we're doing 4e, then we come up with something else.


I gotta say, after playing the demo to Bravely Default, I'd be interested in playing something like a Swordsmaster, which are inspired by Samurai. That, or a Red Mage, which a Wizard is probably very close to. =P

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The stats of the profiles most of us have would suck in an actual campaign.


Plus, if we want Xae as a DM, it has to be 4e. He hates 1e-3.5e.


A Swordmaster is probably a fighter.

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There are four types of classes: Leader (Support), Defender (Tanking), Controller (Crowd Control), and Striker (1v1 Damage)


A bit general. Some controllers are more focused on debuffing and otherwise messing with single targets, such as the Psion. As well, some Strikers focus on damage dealt to multiple enemies, examples being the Monk and the Sorcerer. Leaders and defenders also vary considerably, but "support" and "tanking" cover all they do.



Also, we really want a balance of controllers, strikers, leaders and defenders.


Yes. I'd add that controllers are probably the role needed least beyond one or two. They tend to be squishier (possessing lower defenses) even than most leaders and some strikers and similarly tend towards lower single-target damage, as well as ranged attacks. So it's easy for them to be a liability in overabundance. That said, controllers are both a blast to play and absolutely great in a lot of ways, being capable of reliably acting as a spanner in the enemies' works.


A Swordmaster is probably a fighter.

There's a Fighter Paragon Path called "Swordmaster", so indeed.



Plus, if we want Xae as a DM, it has to be 4e. He hates 1e-3.5e.

4e is good for beginners, anyway. It's the call if you ask me.

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Well, any class I've used in the demo. That includes Valkyries, an acrobatic spear wielder,and the Ninja which is self-explanatory. =P


So how will we handle this? Use Roll20?

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