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LEGO Movie and Frozen



I recently was able to watch both The LEGO Movie as well as Frozen. I'll just share some quick thoughts on both:



The LEGO Movie

Honestly, I wasn't sure about going to see it at first. For one, the trailers didn't blow me away like they did for other people, and I knew I'd probably be seeing it surrounded by noisy kids on a Saturday afternoon (note: Saturday afternoons are the only windows of free time I really have to venture out into the city).


Anyway, I heard about the great reviews so I thought 'How bad could it be', and I was pleasantly surprised at the writing, the animation, and even the interesting ending (I don't see how they plan to top that in the sequel). I'm glad I went to go see it, and it was definitely money well spent. I now can see why the more hardcore LEGO fans adore this movie so much. The people behind this really went above and beyond to give LEGO fans of all ages what they want.


Definitely go see it if you're a big LEGO fan. Though I sure if you were you've already seen it. :P



This was not a movie I was intending to see, originally. I was with a group and a few people said that the movie was pretty good, and I've seen mentions of it around here and on the internet and general, plus there's critical acclaim. With all of that, I figured, 'there's no way I can hate this movie, at least'. So, I went and watched the movie with my coworkers. Indeed, I was right.


It's always interesting to watch a movie that really doesn't engage you at any emotional level, but you can't help but smile and love the movie because you can still see and appreciate its greatness. That's what Frozen is to me. Engaging visuals, exceptional attention to detail, great writing that I didn't expect, moderately tolerable anthropomorphic comic reliefs, and an all around good movie that I could see had a lot work and thought put into it.


If I can like this movie, there's hardly much excuse for anyone else. I recommend it.

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I had the same initial reaction to Frozen until I learned that Idena Menzel did Elsa's voice. I knew from that moment it was a must see. Until I saw it a couple days ago I had already been hooked on the music and even watched some deleted scenes. I loved it long before I even saw it if that's possible.


But it does strike a few personal chords with me. Mostly being able to relate to both Elsa and Ana in some respects.


As for the Lego Movie: Unikitty. 'Nuff said.

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yeah just gonna' throw in that Frozen hit me hard at a few points... I don't really get the lack of emotion you're suggesting.


Otherwise I agree.

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yeah just gonna' throw in that Frozen hit me hard at a few points... I don't really get the lack of emotion you're suggesting.


Otherwise I agree.

Part of it is that the darker points didn't really affect me since I knew what they would lead to already and as such the suspense wasn't really there. There's also the siblings thing which, while handled well, was not very relatable to me since there aren't any siblings that I would go to such great lengths to bond with, so to speak. In fact, there were hardly any characters I could relate to, except for maybe the prince. And I don't know how to feel about that. :P


I had the same initial reaction to Frozen until I learned that Idena Menzel did Elsa's voice. I knew from that moment it was a must see. Until I saw it a couple days ago I had already been hooked on the music and even watched some deleted scenes. I loved it long before I even saw it if that's possible.

Had no idea who Idena Menzel was until I put her name into Google. Turns out Frozen is her only performance that I've seen and/or heard. That voice was amazing though, and I had a feeling that she was played by someone well known.

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There's also the siblings thing which, while handled well, was not very relatable to me since there aren't any siblings that I would go to such great lengths to bond with, so to speak.



I have to say, I do have siblings I would go to great lengths for to bond with. One of my major personal philosophies is that familial relationships are the most important relationships in my life. Despite all this, like you, I still couldn't get emotionally invested in the film. I don't know what it was missing, but I have to agree with you in that it was missing something. Maybe I just wanted a longer epilogue that put emphasis on sisterly bonding, I dunno. Although judging by Box Office numbers and general reception I guess we're in the minority here.


At any rate, ignoring that, it's great that the movie made you smile. I think, in a time where certain movies tend to get praised for taking a "dark" and "gritty" approach, we tend to undervalue those that just make us smile and have a good time. There's definitely something to be said for genuinely fun, lighthearted entertainment and I think Frozen delivers that in spades. Even if it was lacking that something I can't put my finger on.


Just my two cents.

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