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I'm Invisible?

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


So you can't see me?


To celebrate our reaching the monumental day of April 29th, I would request every member capable of reading this entry without highlighting to please do so. Then answer the following question:

  • What song do you find most annoying?
Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.



Eye of the Turkey


P.S. I'm back. =P




Yes!? :o


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Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.





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Aww, I cheated before I knew I was cheating. You never said I couldn't highlight before!!! :P Well... eyes of turkey are rather annoying at times... Always looking at things... and... being in turkeys? Wait, what? :P
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Me cheated.


Wow, Turakii's back!



» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Hey, Turakii,

I have finished remaking your

PBZP form.

He looks a lot better than last time!

He even has orange!




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Welcome back Turakii, have a good time?


Song I find most annoying? That's an easy one, the Barney theme song.


Eye Of The Turkey... I don't know what that means, all I know is that it gives me a craving for a Turkey Eye sandwich... wait I know, Turakii, take away the A and separate the I's. What do you get? Turki i . Did I get it right?


- :t::l::h:

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"It's the eye of the turkey it's the king of the fight. rising up to the challenge of our rive-" *SHOT*

Answer 1. Rap

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Either Eye of the Tiger or Turakii.


How'd I read it? Easy. I simply flipped the computer screen back far enough that the color distortion made it visible. I use a laptop. :P


The song that I find most annoying? Hm.


I can't answer as a singular, but all those punk raps and "new-age" songs. However, the theme for Halo has bad connotaions for me, too. The first time I heard it was the first time I had hallucinations. >_>


Now, the song Big Iron rox my sox.


*walks away singing*


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stanger one fine day,

Didn't talk to those around him didn't have too much to say.

No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip,

For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip,

Big iron on his hip.


OOC: I absolutely refuse to use ellipses. :D



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I managed it! Or... Not... You can't see me! Ha! Ha! Ha! H- Yeah.


So you can't see me. How convenient. You know I could stay here doing bad stuff, throwing rotten apples at you and you wouldn't see me. Ha! Ha! H- Dang, this is annoying.


To answer to you my fellow Invisible colleague Turakki, My most annoying song is... "Yoda". Weird Al Yankovik. THAT GUYE ROCKS! Whoot! Go Weird Al!


And to your seccond question: Logic. Look:


Eye of the Turkey > Turkey Eye [One of your nicknames, so says your site] > Turakki [Your Name] Ha! Ha! H- SOMEBODY STOP ME!


So I solved it.




H- *PUNCH!* Ouch...




Oh, Forget it.


Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy...


EDIT: Whoops, Wrong colour...


The Disousa




IPB Image<<Credit to Syn

My Adoptable Kit|The Red Star|My One Year Celebration|My Entry in BBC #42

If you eat a Plant, you eat a Vegetable, Let it dry first and you'll become a horse.

IPB Image

IPB Image

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Hahahaha! I'm stealing Disousa's idea! Mwahaha! You cannot stop me!


To post the following I must read what has past, but to post the past you must read what follows. To understand the previous post of the past prolongued by replying to days of pie. But what is today, but yesterday's tomorrow? What is the summit but the base of something greater? What is this but annoying like heck? Here follows the past, but now is the past of the present. If the present prolongues the future by placing the past in between the potato, what day is today?


That's... great.....


And in response to the question: The Llama Song. Both annoying and hilarious.



Welcome back. :)

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I love you,

You love me,

We're all on big, happy family....





Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

Once you have proceeded to do the above following, decipher the single sentence before the below and repeat.

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