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I Watched Frozen Last Night



And stayed up too late watching it cause I had to be in to work today, gut jeeze traffic was mucked up and made my evening commute 2.5 hours so I had to stay up late to watch it anyway.


Anyways, my thoughts below, and some spoilers, I guess? Reader beware.




So I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I like the socially awkward princess; Disney needs more of them. I mean, I'm all for confident female leads and stuff, but there was a more realistic feel of Anne compared to others. (Or maybe I just never cared much for princess movies in the 90s... I was perhaps not the target audience either.) I do like how they criticized the "love at first sight" thing because I was all "CLICHE" when it first appeared but approved of it afterwards for debunking it. Anyway, the animation was good, some of the action scenes were fun (but nothing too over the top... and somehow the magic snow monsters don't qualify as over the top for me. Meh) The music was okay... but besides the main one, most of the songs are forgettable. (To be fair, the only Disney movie where I've enjoyed pretty much all the songs was Aladdin.) Still, this was a fun movie to watch and I can see why it got so much praise.


But also, goodness, it does have a strong X Men vibe to it. I've heard the comparison a couple of times before, so I was expecting it, but it was really quite there.


Also, SPOILER, everybody dies in the end. By freezing. Thus why it's called "Frozen." Kinda gruesome for a Disney film.






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Aladdin definitely had a fantastic soundtrack. Frozen's was excellent, but I'm with you in not loving it as much as everyone else seems to.

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it's still my favourite movie of last year, and I love almost all the songs (the troll one was kind of annoying). But yeah it's definitely great having some different character types for a change. Anna is easily best disney princess.

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That movie made the computer animator in me bounce with excitement 'cause it was just beautiful :D

Only thing that bothers me with the movie is the pacing, 'cause it was difficult to watch a second and third time. I dunno, I got bored waiting for things to start happening, whatevs. Definitely a favorite ^^

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Personally I had the opposite problem with the pacing: I thought it moved way too fast, and as a consequence lost out on portraying moments that could have developed the characters more, or at least given them a more solid arc. To each their own, I suppose.

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There were fast parts (particularly in the begining) and then slow parts (kind of near the end?) So really the middle of the movie was the best part? :D



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I love the songs that didn't make it into the movie that should have been in the movie. Life's too short and its reprise were fun and wonderfully tragic. More than just the spare was a great character song.


The movie needs to be changed to accommodate those songs because Idena Menzel singing Life's Too Short needs to happen.

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I love the songs that didn't make it into the movie that should have been in the movie. Life's too short and its reprise were fun and wonderfully tragic. More than just the spare was a great character song.


The movie needs to be changed to accommodate those songs because Idena Menzel singing Life's Too Short needs to happen.


I think the movie needs to be drastically changed story-wise to accommodate most of those songs, particularly due to how completely out of character the girls are in them. "Life's Too Short" is especially problematic in that regard, though I too would love to hear Menzel and Bell perform it.




I do think that some version of "Life's Too Short (Reprise)" could have made it into the film. It would have strengthened Elsa's arc a little bit and provided a much needed breather to slow the pace down. (And it's a better song than "Fixer Upper" anyway.)

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Also, SPOILER, everybody dies in the end. By freezing. Thus why it's called "Frozen." Kinda gruesome for a Disney film.

Bah, you just know they're going to be A-Okay when they're thawed out in the modern day for the sequel. It's basically Captain America all over again.


More seriously, I loved the movie. I don't know if I'd rank it up with some of Pixar's best (or The Lego Movie), but it's definitely on-par with the Disney movies of my childhood like Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast.

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