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My High School Itinerary...



So I thought I might share the some of the classes (the classes I'll enjoy =P) I'll take throughout high school (just for fun, not that anyone will care xP):


Sophomore year (10th grade):


Math: Honors Algebra 2 (Basically pre-AP Algebra 2)

Science: Advanced Biology (Not a big fan of biology, but I figure an advanced course might do me some good)

English: American Literature


Junior year (11th grade):


Math: Pre-AP Pre-Calculus (=D)

Science: Pre-AP Physics

English: British Literature


[by now I'll have enough credits to graduate, but I won't]


Senior year (12th grade):


Math: Either AP Calculus or a college calculus class (college calculus class means dual credits and is probably a better class)

Science: Either AP Physics or a college physics class (^same applies^)

English: Probably AP Literature and Composition, but maybe a college class (^same applies^)




-A degree in Music Composition, with a possible minor in Audio Engineering

-Some kind of physics degree (I need to decide which branch I would like to get into. That's something I'll have to decide later on.)



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Whether you should take AP Calc/Physics or college classes depends a lot on the teachers. The AP classes I took in high school prepped me for AP Calc BC and AP Physics B and my teachers were so great I got a 5 on both.


Freshman year in college I ended up helping a lot of people with their work while I was taking Higher level classes and finding the stuff they were doing in Calc 1 and Physics 1 wasn't as advanced as what I did in high school. That was doubly-applicable for AP Computer Science versus Intro to Programming.


So yeah, ask some of the older kids in your high school about the teachers and see what they say.

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Thanks for the insight, B6!


I would ask some upperclassmen, but seeing as I home school, that might be a problem. There is a school, here in Moscow, where I went for a couple of years, but it's a super small school, and because of that, they don't exactly have all of the more advanced classes. :\


I'm really glad to hear from someone who has already been through the motions, though. Thanks again for the insight. It helps a lot! :)



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Freshman year isny part of your high school? I didnt expect college to be part of a high school system.


My Freshman year is virtually over. Just a week left. :)


Also, no, college isn't part of high school. :P But I mentioned it anyway.



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Good know you're getting out of freshman year of college. (Preps for party) But i meant freshman year of highschool. :P


I might do something like this when i get a 6 month free when i get 5 referals or BZP's anniversary. :)

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Good know you're getting out of freshman year of college. (Preps for party) But i meant freshman year of highschool. :P I might do something like this when i get a 6 month free when i get 5 referals or BZP's anniversary. :)

no he's getting out of high school freshman year


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For clarification, I am currently a Freshman in high school, and I am about to finish my school year. Next year is my Sophomore year of high school, and I mentioned college for fun. :P



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You're younger than I thought. (For reference, I'm in my second year of college right now.)




@Advanced Biology: What, you can't take the AP version of this? :( I very much enjoyed that class, though, but if you hate it best to get it over. :)


One thing to keep in mind: AP is accepted in all American Universities. I don't know if you plan to stay in Russia for college, but taking classes in college brings up transfer issues, which could be international.


I had an identical math schedule going through high school. One thing that hurt me was that AP Calc AB test for me was too much. I had a bad teacher and I bombed it - it would have been better if I had taken the college class, as I got an A in the first half of the class, but no college credit. :( But if you're considering a degree in physics, you likely have a much better head for math than I do. :)


*scratches head* AP Physics sounds good. Depending on the college, though, they might make you retake it as part of your major, which could be really annoying. Also AP Language and Composition exam is more widely accepted than AP Lit for English credit (again, to my knowledge). I did find AP Lit to be much more fun though. *points to story nerd hat*


Anyway, congradulations on surviving freshman year. :)

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I get it now. I can't believe I didn't see it at first. :P (Checks Profile) We're both the same age, but due to us one year-ish difference, I thought you where in sophmore year. But, hey man those are are some cool classes you'll be taking in the future. :)

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@Advanced Biology: What, you can't take the AP version of this? :( I very much enjoyed that class, though, but if you hate it best to get it over. :)

Well, I probably could. But I already have a book I'll work through. The 11th/12th grade classes will be online. It's not that I absolutely hate it, heck, maybe I'll love it. But based on biology summaries I've done before (i.e. Life Science, in 7th grade), I haven't liked what I've seen so far. :P


One thing to keep in mind: AP is accepted in all American Universities. I don't know if you plan to stay in Russia for college, but taking classes in college brings up transfer issues, which could be international.

I'll be going to an American college, so I guess this won't be too much of an issue. But it really does sound like AP classes are the way to go.


I had an identical math schedule going through high school. One thing that hurt me was that AP Calc AB test for me was too much. I had a bad teacher and I bombed it - it would have been better if I had taken the college class, as I got an A in the first half of the class, but no college credit. :( But if you're considering a degree in physics, you likely have a much better head for math than I do. :)

I'm naturally pretty good at math, so I guess we'll have to see how I do. If it's a lot of work, I guess I'll just have to allocate a lot of my time into working on it. Thankfully my senior year will only consist of math, science and English. It won't be a hardcore year for me, so I'll have so much more time to focus on each of those subjects.


*scratches head* AP Physics sounds good. Depending on the college, though, they might make you retake it as part of your major, which could be really annoying. Also AP Language and Composition exam is more widely accepted than AP Lit for English credit (again, to my knowledge). I did find AP Lit to be much more fun though. *points to story nerd hat*

Yeah, I'll probably end up having to take it again. :P But hey, never bad to freshen up on the facts. If I do end up going into the science world (music and science don't really collaborate well, so I'm not sure where my career will head. If I take both degrees, though, there will always be a plan B), another Physics class will certainly be helpful.


Anyway, congradulations on surviving freshman year. :)

Thanks! :) I only sort of "survived." More like, "barely got through." :P But I passed with a 4.0 GPA, so I'm happy.



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Wait, you're only a freshman sophomore? Wow. Wouldn't have expected it.


Anyway, heed Black Six's advice above, but I must put in my two cents -- if the teachers know the material and can help you become acquainted with it, AP Calculus and AP Physics are must-takes. I took them junior year and really enjoyed them, because my teachers were knowledgeable and helpful. (It also helped that my dad has a Ph. D in Physics and my mum teaches calculus at university, haha, but it was mostly the teachers.)


With that lineup, it looks like your high school years are going to be very engaging and stimulating, so... have fun! :)

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