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Anyone Also Enjoy Maths/Physics?



Is what I study at the moment - anyone else having fun in these fields? :P


For a bit of fun what does everyone think about these two papers? :P


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I love math and physics! :D I'm probably going to get a degree in some field of physics in college, along with a music composition degree (two completely different degrees :lol:).


Can't say that much on the papers, seeing as I'm not incredibly advanced in physics and math yet. Still got three years of high school left to get that fixed. :P



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I do genuinely have an interest in physics, but at the same time I don't think my brain is quite built for that sort of thinking. It's never been a strong area for me. Math, either. 


As for those articles, I sort of understand what they're saying but at the same time I don't know how it's relevant to anything. :shrugs:

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I love math and physics! :D I'm probably going to get a degree in some field of physics in college, along with a music composition degree (two completely different degrees :lol:).


Can't say that much on the papers, seeing as I'm not incredibly advanced in physics and math yet. Still got three years of high school left to get that fixed. :P




I have a friend who's studying plant science, sociology and music - those types of combinations can be pretty crazy but I imagine it'd be nice and diverse and fun. :P



I do genuinely have an interest in physics, but at the same time I don't think my brain is quite built for that sort of thinking. It's never been a strong area for me. Math, either. 


As for those articles, I sort of understand what they're saying but at the same time I don't know how it's relevant to anything. :shrugs:


I guess an easy way to sum, it up would be saying in situations in which quantum mechanics are significant, they've managed to "separate" a property of a system from the system. I heard someone describing it as having a green tree, but having the green not where the tree was. :P So it'd be like detecting the tree was to your left, but seeing the green to your right. (A horrible explanation sorry, but hopefully helps? :P )

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I actually study Mathematics in uni. Can't say I am particularly fond of physics. In fact, any form of Mechanics is the bane of my life!

Then again, I am not too keen on abstract mathematics either. Stats for the world.

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I actually study Mathematics in uni. Can't say I am particularly fond of physics. In fact, any form of Mechanics is the bane of my life!


Then again, I am not too keen on abstract mathematics either. Stats for the world.


Woo! :D I almost chose to do stat and maths, but ended up going with physics, made the decision after classes had started that semester so was a close call. :P Somewhat on the opposite side of maths to me in some ways I guess though - my favourite parts of maths and physics are the abstract bits. :P I'm quite interested in Lie groups and algebras at the moment, hoping to do a project on them over the Summer. :)

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I did a bit of Lie groups and derivatives. Can't say I am keen on differential geometry. We had a lecturer who just made us regurgitate a lot of abstract proofs so that didn't help. My god I didn't even know what I was doing half the time. :P

Anything to do with group theory or fields is disgusting. :P I spent many hours labouring over our assignments. :'( Thank goodness that it is over and done with and I can just focus on programming and statistics. 

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Yeah definitely other way round for me - more abstract an less grounded in stuff it is the better I cope I've found. Was the algebra part of a general requirement for a maths degree, or did you need it for something specifically in statistics? (I don't know much about what stat students study though I've noticed more of them in the algebra type courses than the analysis type ones).


Sounds like more applicable and desirable skill set you have though -  which was a major attraction for me to wanting to do it earlier on. :P

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