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Yeah. Pokémon Black & White are, apart from the exp. system and unfortunate distribution of Pokémon, the best games. N is also the best character, possibly by virtue of being the only person so far in the series who was actually developed enough to be considered a character.


woo controversy LET'S ROLL


- Indigo Individual

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I'm partial to X and Y, mainly because I liked many of the new/old features introduced/reintroduced. But N was totally rad so approval

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Black and White are the most in-depth as far as story is concerned, and N's characterization is one of the most complex in the series, but if you don't consider any other characters to be developed enough to be called characters, then honestly your standards are too high. Pretty much every rival character (including Bianca and Cheren from the same game as N) gets a similar amount of character development to N, recurring characters like Looker get a fair share of development across the various games they're in, and even more minor characters like Gym Leaders still get a level of character development consistent with their relevance to the overall story the game they're in is telling.

Personally I love the characterization of trainers in the Pokémon games. I love things like Flint's relationship with Volkner in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, or the way Black and White basically told two different coming-of-age stories through Cheren and Bianca. Even X and Y, which I admit had a weaker story than Black and White, still offered some compelling characters like Lysandre and Emma, and managed to flesh out Looker's character beyond a generic detective. There are obviously characters who will get less characterization than others, just like there are in any story—but that doesn't mean that only the most complex characters count, just that those minor characters aren't the focus of the story that's being told.

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I love White, it is still my favorite game in the franchise. I loved the designs, the sometimes theatrical feel of the world, the pokemon, the entire feel of the region, oh man. Fantastic games. N is cool too.

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I miss the movie mini-game.


I never worked so hard to complete anything in a pokemon game in my life...


Oh, yeah, N was cool too...  (Not by comparison to the movies, though =P)


But, yeah, Black and White are my favorite story in terms of Pokemon games.  X and Y have my all-time least favorite story for any Pokemon game (mostly because I'm a fan of classic fairy tales, and boy did they screw up big time.  I digress).


I always thought that there was supposed to be an unspoken attraction between N and the player character (but that's probably my uncanny ability for weird shipping.  Heck, I just shipped Mata Nui and Macku in another blog this week).  In the sequel, when you figure out the previous player character left in search of N, though, my brain told me it was canon.

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I'm partial to X and Y, mainly because I liked many of the new/old features introduced/reintroduced. But N was totally rad so approval

I love X and Y's gameplay, and very little could make me happier than Black and White remade for 3DS, with the beautiful shots of Unova enhanced by the better graphics and, of course, the soundtrack remastered with the greater sound capabilities of the 3DS in mind.

*fingers crossed*




I feel at this point that I should clarify that my comments on characters were somewhat of an exaggeration, (as i'd hoped would be made clear by the comment on controversy at the end) although I still disagree with some of your points -- the plots of Cheren and Bianca, in keeping with the attention that Gen V gave to plot and character development, were very well done. Even the Gym Leaders were well handled, especially given the flashbacks shown in B2/W2. It would be very difficult to argue against any of the characterisation in Gen V, because all of the characters were great.



However, Gen VI didn't really introduce anything new. Character-wise, yes, Looker got a little more depth, despite his status primarily as a comic relief character, and Emma was something quite different, which I liked (the Looker plot was far better than the main plot of X and Y). However, I disagree about Lysandre being a compelling character -- rather than being something new, he feels like the developers expected us to have just forgotten Gen IV happened. Looking over Gen V, we moved from destroying the universe and creating a new one to... essentially destroying the universe and creating a new one? His motivations are almost identical to Cyrus', even if his plan is not. And we get an introduction to a character who lost his Pokémon; even with the darker backstory, it does feel an awful lot like Alder's history, minus the elements brought in in order to give the game its 'plot'. It feels like they wanted an excuse for the machine, so they recycled a pre-existing backstory and shook it up a little.

Gen VI seriously improved the gaming experience, but the story and characters in the main plot were just too similar to previous instalments in my opinion. I do count the characters as characters, I just don't consider them particularly good characters.




I love White, it is still my favorite game in the franchise. I loved the designs, the sometimes theatrical feel of the world, the pokemon, the entire feel of the region, oh man. Fantastic games. N is cool too.

as i said before, 3DS remake

i would feel so, so happy if all of the awesome things about the region were reapplied to the capabilities of the 3DS

the panoramic images of bridges and cities would work so well (especially in 3D if they let them be in 3D for the people like me who enjoy a little 3D)

(i am entirely in agreement on all of those points, but please don't forget the awesome soundtrack)



But, yeah, Black and White are my favorite story in terms of Pokemon games.  X and Y have my all-time least favorite story for any Pokemon game (mostly because I'm a fan of classic fairy tales, and boy did they screw up big time.  I digress).



I always thought that there was supposed to be an unspoken attraction between N and the player character (but that's probably my uncanny ability for weird shipping.  Heck, I just shipped Mata Nui and Macku in another blog this week).  In the sequel, when you figure out the previous player character left in search of N, though, my brain told me it was canon.

it's so canon, i refuse to accept the idea that it's not

i feel like the whole shaunaxprotag thing was made clearer in Gen VI because they were like 'oh people didn't get the N thing we gotta make it more obvious'

i ship it so much and i am absolutely certain that it is canon


- Indigo Individual

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as i said before, 3DS remake

i would feel so, so happy if all of the awesome things about the region were reapplied to the capabilities of the 3DS

the panoramic images of bridges and cities would work so well (especially in 3D if they let them be in 3D for the people like me who enjoy a little 3D)

(i am entirely in agreement on all of those points, but please don't forget the awesome soundtrack)

Oh man, I forgot about the soundtrack! Yeah, White has probably some of the best music from any of the games I've played. I still listen to Driftveil City's theme all the time, and there's probably a lot of stuff I'm neglecting to remember.


I should really play White again. Or actually play White 2, I suppose.

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as i said before, 3DS remake

i would feel so, so happy if all of the awesome things about the region were reapplied to the capabilities of the 3DS

the panoramic images of bridges and cities would work so well (especially in 3D if they let them be in 3D for the people like me who enjoy a little 3D)

(i am entirely in agreement on all of those points, but please don't forget the awesome soundtrack)

Oh man, I forgot about the soundtrack! Yeah, White has probably some of the best music from any of the games I've played. I still listen to Driftveil City's theme all the time, and there's probably a lot of stuff I'm neglecting to remember.


I should really play White again. Or actually play White 2, I suppose.


For me, B2/W2 didn't live up to the originals, but apparently most people enjoyed them so idk (they certainly addressed the complaints about the unavailability of older Pokémon and the wolverine publicity given to Pikachu in B/W). It's still completely worth playing, especially if you're able to activate the unova link function (am i naming that right? if you have two DS consoles to hand, you can activate flashbacks in-game that show stuff that happened either during black/white or in between, and any mention of the b/w protagonist has its name set to yours). B2/W2 still has a great soundtrack, keeping a lot of the themes from B/W and introducing a great title screen theme.

I got Black rather than White, although I'm actually planning to get White and White 2 at some point so that I can catch some more legendaries.


My favourite piece from the B/W soundtrack has to be The Day I Became King (from the intro scene showing N's coronation). It was part of what made me realise that Black and White were going to be something very different -- from the get-go there was an entirely different piece of music with an introduction that defied the previous intro format (the same one that later games returned to). The whole thing was brilliant, though.


- Indigo Individual


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