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Recommend Me a Book



So I have a cross continental fight at the end of the month, for like 9 plus hours both ways. It’ll be a red eye on the way out, so hopefully I can try to get some sleep, but it’s going to be middle of the day on the way back. Just my experience two years ago with airplane rides was that my electronic devices won’t hold a charge long enough to provide ample entertainment over the full course of the trip. As such, I need an old fashion, non electronic form of media. Y’know, like a book. But I haven’t read any new books in years now. (I read plenty of online stuff, so not illiterate, but just haven’t had the chance to really settle down with a book.) I don’t particularly want to reread something, so I’d thought I’d ask for suggestions.

All the while knowing there’ll probably be a deluge of recommendations from the BZPower bookworms.


So here are some of my preferences:


Genres I would prefer would be science fiction. Not particularly fantasy, it’s not the same as sci-fi even if it’s in the same section at bookstores. I guess I would also be down for adventure or mystery, but not something that’s too gritty. I want something fun. And preferably something that’s not part of a trilogy or a tetralogy or whatever; is it too much to ask for a story with a full beginning and ending in a single book?


I dunno, I have particular tastes, and sometimes books can just be hits or misses. So, go ahead and make suggestions, but ones that clearly violate one of the above points will be crossed out and publicly shamed. :P


Oh, and um thanks! (Unless I scared everybody away at this point.)




Recommended Comments

I just finished reading Robert A. Heinlein's book "Have Spacesuit Will Travel". It's an adapted newspaper serial from the 50s and I had low expectations going in, but it was remarkably fun, progressive and standalone. I imagine you'd probably like it.

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I just finished reading Robert A. Heinlein's book "Have Spacesuit Will Travel". It's an adapted newspaper serial from the 50s and I had low expectations going in, but it was remarkably fun, progressive and standalone. I imagine you'd probably like it.

I second this. And I'm very impressed that anyone else would recommend it. Have Spacesuit Will Travel is my favorite sci-fi book of all time. :D


I'd also recommend Eifelheim.


Have fun!


- John

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I would almost say that's cheating, refering to classic Sci-Fi. :P I've read Heinlein but not that particular one so I may just have to look into it...



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Well, I guess my opinion might be invalid at this point, but I did read a fun mystery book not too long ago.  It's an old one, but I'm not sure if it's well-known.  It technically is part of a series (A Septimus Finch book by Margaret Erskine), however it definitely holds up as a stand alone story without any cliff-hangers.


Her book titles tend to vary for the same stories, so this one is called "Fatal Relations" or "Old Mrs. Ommanney is Dead."


I actually like where this book goes, and it's a fun read.  It's not terribly long, so, depending on how fast of a reader you are, you could get through it on a nine hour plane ride. 

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I'm going to have to check out this Spacesuit book.


Two great sci-fi books I've read recently are Ready Player One and Redshirts, though I don't know if I'd read them again. Certainly fun, fast-paced, well-written books though, and worth the read! Maybe get them from the library instead of the bookstore.


I'm with you on trying to avoid trilogies currently and enjoy some one-and-done stories.


Single-stories I haven't read yet but are on my to be read list include the Star Wars book Scoundrels which is like Ocean's Eleven with Star Wars. There's The Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs which is the grandfather of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars (this might be at Barnes and Noble as a trilogy of the first three books, which might be a better deal than each one individually). I've heard Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is amazing.


Happy reading!



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I've read Snow Crash, which could be said is lacking a little on the plot side but comes up with a lot of really cool things, especially the cyber world. This is especially interesting cause the book came out before the Internet.



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