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Bravo Zulu Posse (Destiny Clan)

So Destiny comes out tonight and I am super excited. I won't be at a midnight release unfortunately, but I'll be picking up my Ghost edition after work tomorrow.


I figure there's probably quite a few of you out there who will be playing it too, so I made a clan for us. Feel free to join and represent BZP on Bungie.net!

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You just had to one-up me, didn't you?


I'm only kidding of course. It'll probably be nice to have an official one rather then the unofficial group I've been trying to get to take off.


May I ask what system you'll be playing on?

Black Six


You just had to one-up me, didn't you?


I'm only kidding of course. It'll probably be nice to have an official one rather then the unofficial group I've been trying to get to take off.


May I ask what system you'll be playing on?

I'll be on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, since I have friends that will be on both.



You just had to one-up me, didn't you?


I'm only kidding of course. It'll probably be nice to have an official one rather then the unofficial group I've been trying to get to take off.


May I ask what system you'll be playing on?

I'll be on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, since I have friends that will be on both.


Huh, didn't notice you had gotten a One...


I'm still torn on this game so won't be picking it up right away. :/ I had fun in the beta, but I can't see myself pouring all the time into it that an MMO usually requires.



All you had to do was ask me to join, you didn't have to name it after me.



Buhuhuh, if only I had the time to play on my Xbox nowadays :(
Well, maybe when the school year is over I'll be able to pick up Destiny and join the clan



I am super stoked as well, wish I had money to buy it tomorrow... might be able to swing it, but either way I don't have Live at the moment so I'm gonna be a latecomer to everything. Figures I finally have a game I've been looking forward to and I can't get it lol



Then maybe I'll see you in game. Probably not, and If I did I likely wouldn't notice, but still. 



i have it o/ 


but im on ps4 because im not a massive nerdlord

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Art Vandelay


Sweet, just got Destiny last night and sent a request out to join the clan.

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