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My latest video gaming conquests



I have been up to lots of stuffs recently. Mostly of the electronic gaming variety.


First off, I played Mega Man X for the first time courtesy of the Wii U Virtual Console (prompted by a fantastic video by Egoraptor). Fantastic game; the more I play SNES games, the more I regret not owning a SNES in childhood.


After playing Fire Emblem (Rekka no Ken) and Sacred Stones, I finally caved into my roommate's demands that I play Awakening; OMG SO MUCH AWESOME! Probably one of my favorite games of all time, and definitely looking forward to playing it again.


Right after completing Awakening, I received Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in the mail. Another fantastic game; Layton puzzles and story combined with Phoenix Wright courtroom shenanigans made for an awesome crossover. I just wish Maya hadn't been given a valley girl accent. :/


And, finally, my roommate got some 3DS Smash Bros codes, one of which he shared with me. I'm loving Mega Man so far; will definitely be playing as him once the Wii U version comes out (not getting the 3DS version; I'd like to spare my buttons of a painful death). I really wish the demo included Robin as a playable character, though; of the new roster, I'm looking forward to playing as him the most.


On a more academic note, this Thursday is my Ph.D. preliminary exam oral defense, so that'll be fun. I've already worked through the problems that I will be asked about, and I think I've solved all of them. Hopefully all will go well. ^_^




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I was all like VIDYA GAMES but then I saw it was all Nintendo and Nintendo is stuff I don't really have so I wasn't as excited anymore but COLLEGE so good luck on your college stuff I'mma go back to studying regular expressions or more likely play some Minimum or something I don't really know kthxbai.

Takuma Nuva

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I normally don't play anything other than  Nintendo.  Exceptions are Minecraft and Portal 2 and those are both on Xbox. 


I did have a Runescape account I started when I was like, 13, but I seldom ever use that anymore (it was fun, though).


Most of my other video game knowledge comes from watching entertaining videos on the intermawebs.  Mostly Markiplier because his voice is amazing.

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I've had Awakening for more than a year and I still haven't beaten it. ;_;


And yeah, the SNES was just slightly before my time, so I missed out on a lot of games of that era. Don't have a Wii U yet, so I wish they were available on the 3DS virtual console... perhaps they'll make them available for the New 3DS?

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Takuma Nuva: RUNON SENTENCES! A shame you don't have Nintendo stuffs; tis pretty rad, as the kids say.


Tekulo/Melon Lord: I have a few non-Nintendo games floating around, but I keep coming back to Nintendo, no matter how far I may stray.


Lyichir: Such sadness! The ending is very worth it.


Voltex: It's very fun, and the ending is fantastic.



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