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One of My Problems With Anime





This type of stuff is VERY annoying. It's fine in manga, but doesn't really fit in in any anime I've ever seen.

(no I haven't seen One Piece)


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I slogged through 150 episodes of One Piece before I finally decided I couldn't force myself through any more. Darker Than Black was so much more my style.


There are some that don't pull the same kind of stuff with the faces and the exaggerated responses, and what they do end up doing in that area is particular for the moment or just that episode or just that character and can actually be laughed at because they use it through nearly the entirety of the episode. It's a spectrum, and One Piece is much to close to the overly silly side in my experience.


And if it got better later... too bad. It had 150 episodes to get better

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I slogged through 150 episodes of One Piece before I finally decided I couldn't force myself through any more.


150? I'll never be able to watch that. It's honestly hard for me to make it through a 20 episode show.


For me it was just how some animes jump from one plot to another and never stick with just one plotline.


*cough Angel Beats cough*

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150? I'll never be able to watch that. It's honestly hard for me to make it through a 20 episode show.

Let's just say I had an ulterior motive for trying to get into the show. The faces and such do get better, but it was truly the pacing that killed me. As long as it is decently paced I can watch 60 episode shows like FMA: Brotherhood. OP just got bogged down for me and I can't wrap my head around a show where you can skip 5 episodes and still be in the same place storywise, or one where people encourage you to skip a major arc and assure you that you won't miss anything in those dozens and dozens of episodes. Just struck me the wrong way, but a lot of people love it so... It just don't float ma boat =)

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But...if you haven't seen One Piece, then how do you know it "doesn't really fit"?


Besides, it seems like you're taking this one thing from one show and saying it's a problem in any anime ever.  Anime is just a form a media--each individual series has its own art style, and sure, some things reappear in multiple series, but I think it'd be tough to find one thing that appears in every single anime ever made.


...Except maybe Japan.  Maybe.

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I think it was about over-the-top reactions which I have seen in several anime shows. Granted, a lot of them do it differently, like One Piece apparently has giant mouth disease while Princess Tutu has noodle limb infection (though I think they only do that a couple times and sometimes random gibberish symbols were involved. Actually, I really enjoy the Tutu's use of over-reaction because it fits the character who does it wonderfully)


Not all reactions fit the scene. Like in FMA:B when Ed was realizing he had feelings for Winry while she was adjusting his automail (he was lying down on an operating table), he overreacted so much he jumped literally all over the room before he went back into the same position. My first time watching that scene I was all "The heck just happened?" I also read through the manga, and that scene had a similar mechanic where he jumped out of place, but overall I think that instance was better portrayed in the manga.


So, really, I don't take issue with Bambi's opinion because I see that stuff too and sometimes I like it, but sometimes I don't.

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I wasn't really trying to put down the opinion--some people like this sort of gag, some people don't, it's fine either way.  I was just saying it seemed like an overgeneralization of anime, which seems to be a current ongoing thing.


But, I guess I'm a little sensitive when it comes to the animes. :P

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Since Japan is a collectivist culture, some of us who develop a fondness for their products get drawn into a hivemind like the Borg Collective, so I'm not surprised.


You will be assimilated.

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But...if you haven't seen One Piece, then how do you know it "doesn't really fit"?


Besides, it seems like you're taking this one thing from one show and saying it's a problem in any anime ever.  Anime is just a form a media--each individual series has its own art style, and sure, some things reappear in multiple series, but I think it'd be tough to find one thing that appears in every single anime ever made.


...Except maybe Japan.  Maybe.

I wasn't specifically talking about One Piece, that was just one of the first pictures I found.

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