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I Wonder What This Entry is About

Pahrak Model ZX




The childishness seems to bug a lot of people, even though Bionicle's a toyline?? Selling toys to kids?? Honestly as much as I love dark stuff I'm totally onboard for this, I have a history of just taking whatever Bionicle gives me and I could use some more simple positivity in my life, it will be healing.


Also a lot of people really want romance to be canon in the reboot, why?? Why does this matter so much to everyone?? I know I'm a bitter loner but that can't be the only reason I'm fine with the ban.


Okoto has a nice ring to it but someone pointed out it sounds like the Japanese word "otoko" and now I keep confusing them my Japanese grade is going to suffer Lego why.


Absolutely love the new lore, so many questions, must wait.


Seems like the Toa's Elemental powers might come from their masks, fits with the theme but I do wonder about them having no innate powers, ah well I'll adapt.


Sets that come WITH the Golden Masks! And Skull Spiders that they can wear like Krana!


GeARS?! AND posABILITY?! AT the same TIME?!


Tahu and Kopaka look simply beautiful, the high price will be worth it. Onepu Nuva Protector of Earth might actually be the best looking set of the bunch, and at such a low price, it's definitely a must-buy. I'm also really liking Gali (and if the bad joke thing turns out to be puns then WOO).


I sort of want all the Toa, but the other three, I think I can be more patient about. If there's one thing I'm disappointed about it's Pohatu's build, he looks boring compared to the others, but he's Pohatu so I still want him, also he has BOOMERANGS with BOHROK EYES that double as FOOT JETS. Lewa's pretty cool, I'm slow to adjust to his mask though. Onua has too many colors and seems a little messy, but he's growing on me, he's SO FREAKING HUGE I LOVE IT. (Why couldn't Pohatu be huge too Pohatu I love you.)


The Protectors all look pretty good, but I don't think I'll really need more than one or two. As stated before Onepu Nuva is must buy, and I'm really liking New Tarduk Protector of Jungle so he might find his way into the shopping cart, others I might get if I have cash, who knows.


Also COMBINERS! Well, that was my initial reaction, but it's really just taking the Protector's weapons and putting them on the Toa. It's cool, yeah, but I was hoping for more, ah well that's what we have S Rank MoCers for, I LEAVE THIS TASK TO THEE.


Wait I forgot Lord of Skull Spiders...eh? I mean it's neat but it's just spidery enough to make me anxious, so I don't think I can buy it, sorry. As for story it apparently guards an ancient city, that seems cool, the concept art appears to suggest it will fight all the Toa (or maybe there are more than one of these? In every region? Serving a greater villain...?), guess we'll find out.


So yeah Pahrak is happy.

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I want romance to be canon just because it adds another dimension to certain characters and their relationships, and also because even if it never comes up in the official storyline, a lot of fans like telling romance stories and it's stupid to tell them that those kinds of stories are fundamentally at odds with the characters and species of the series. Also, treating romance as a purely biological function is asinine.


I don't think BIONICLE will be ruined if romance isn't canon, but it just seems like an incredibly silly restriction and I'd hope the new writers are smart enough to know better.

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People don't necessarily need romance to be a prominent part of the story. They just don't want it to be completely non-canon. Romantic attraction is a significant part of the human condition, and the idea that Bionicle characters never, ever felt that kind of affection was problematic (especially since it directly contradicted early media which featured romantic flirting between characters like Macku and Hewkii). Frankly, I don't think even Greg paid the no-romance rule more than lip-service—it always sounded to me almost like an escape clause he could use to avoid shipping questions.

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I don't think it's necessarily treating romance as purely biological--I never took it as such.  It's just something MU beings didn't feel, part of their inner "programming" rather than a bodily thing.  Besides, like you said, people will tell the romance stories they want whether romance is canon or not; I haven't seen the decanonization do anything to change people's headcanons and fanfiction and whatnot.


I guess I'm just worried that if romance was canon it might detract from other aspects of relationships, stories, etc.

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Meh, romance will only work if the characters are rich enough to support it. The characters in the MNOLG were, but I'll hold out until we know what the actual story is like before I nitpick about stuff like that. Besides, FANFICTION, so who cares what's "official" anyway?



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As a bitter loner who has shipped Hewkii and Macku since 2001, I CAN TELL YOU THIS IS A BIG DEAL!


(Also I should prolly catch up on the new news of newsworthy newsington regarding this new and exciting news-inducing news... of BIONICE)

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Because shipping. The internet can't live without it.


Personally, I don't care about it. I just like reading people argue about that sort of thing. Of course, BIONICLE hasn't had any good shipping wars, largely thanks to the lack of in-story content to suggest otherwise. Outside of JallerxHahli and HewkiixMacku, I've never really come across any popular ships in BIONICLE. And that diminishes my entertainment for when the ships normally would go to war.

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