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believe victims


I've noticed, especially on tumblr, a lot of people attempting to push the term "ohwunners" as a term for people who irrationally dislike the new Bionicle. Its origins are obvious; it comes from the term "genwunner" used in the Transformers and Pokemon fandoms, only with "ohwun" used to allude to Bionicle's first year.


To me, that seems like a misnomer. People who loved 2001 above all other years actually seem to be the most vocal supporters of the new Bionicle. In fact, if anyone has shown the most irrational dislike for the line, it's the people who preferred the later years. This seems counterintuitive to what most fandoms experience, but it's pretty easy to see why to me.


The reason is what it turned out to be (which, as I've said before, is pretty much the only way it was going to be). Fans of 2001-03 who grew more critical as time wore on had been begging for Bionicle to return to the feel of Mata Nui, the atmosphere and the mythical nature. They were most of the people disappointed in the 2008 Toa Nuva not resembling their former forms, and most of the people disappointed in how complex and hard sci-fi the story was getting. It's easy to see why they would welcome a reboot that returns to the mythical, brightly-colored island, with Toa that mostly bear resemblance to their previous incarnations, with open arms. (Obviously, there are those who aren't pleased with how the new Toa look, and some irrationally hate that they aren't just the Mata repackaged, but I don't think those are the majority of those angered by the new line.)


Meanwhile, fans of the later years were those most likely to root for a continuation, to pick up the mangled cable of storyline Bionicle left off, to make sets for all the characters who were never meant to have sets, to finish serials a majority of the people buying the toys weren't even reading. They were the ones most likely to be up in arms about rebooting the story, and returning to a simpler premise, and only including the six Toa Mata from the original story, and simplifying things for easier accessibility to the target audience. Someone who preferred, or even just came in at, the later years of Bionicle are more likely to interpret the new story as mind-numbingly simple compared to the previous one, even though it's no simpler than the original Legend of Mata Nui. Simply put, they had the most to "lose" in a reboot.


Obviously, it's not black and white in any way. People have legitimate criticisms of the new line, and people don't fall into these archetypes cleanly by any means; there are people who could be described as "ohwunners" and those who preferred the later years who welcome the new story. However, when it comes to the largest population of irrational hatred, labelling them "ohwunners" seems disingenuous, because '01 is likely not to be the year they prefer, or even the year they started at. Chances are, they preferred the story in its final stages.

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I came in at 2005, and I'm not too bad with the new story, yet. 


But then again, I break all the rules. :P And excessive generalizing is never good.


But then again, this new story is like '01 story. They haven't touched the amazingness of 2004 story yet, and I'd rather they didn't. Leave my memories of Vakama alone, please. :P If someone was particularly fond of how the old one is, all these changes may irk. 

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Very good points. I was definitely one of the complaining ohwunners from 2006-ish to 2010, and I'm very supportive of the direction I see this new line taking. (Though to be fair, I'm also a lot less emotionally invested than I was, since my Bionicle days are pretty much behind me.)

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most of the people disappointed in how complex and hard sci-fi the story was getting.

'Cause a giant planet-sized robot is TOTALLY hard sci-fi. :P


In all seriousness, though, I agree with this post. I honestly expected a lot of backlash from the fans of 2001-2003, but surprisingly few of them have complained or criticized the 2015 sets as much as I thought they would. Most of the backlash does seem to come from fans of the later years (though as a fan of the later years myself, I am not at all critical of the 2015 stuff, mostly because it looks really awesome so far, although I guess that could change as we learn more about next year and see how the story unfolds).



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Why do we even have to resort to labeling a bunch of people just for their opinion? Calling anyone an "ohwunner" is a pretty dumb thing to do, if you ask me, since it suggests a very close-minded approach to why someone might not like the new line. Why can't they just be someone who preferred Bionicle from 2001-2010 and is simply not interested in what Lego has to offer this time around for reasons that they appreciate but others don't seem to?

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because people like to make mocking terms for people who disagree with them so they can make them seem irrational. that's why the term popped up in Transformers and Pokemon: to silence criticisms of the new by implying it must be solely because of irrational nostalgia for the old.

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because people like to make mocking terms for people who disagree with them so they can make them seem irrational. that's why the term popped up in Transformers and Pokemon: to silence criticisms of the new by implying it must be solely because of irrational nostalgia for the old.

Now, to be fair, a lot of the times in the transformers fandom, the geewunners ARE hating the new because it isn't the old.

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because people like to make mocking terms for people who disagree with them so they can make them seem irrational. that's why the term popped up in Transformers and Pokemon: to silence criticisms of the new by implying it must be solely because of irrational nostalgia for the old.

Now, to be fair, a lot of the times in the transformers fandom, the geewunners ARE hating the new because it isn't the old.


And same with Pokémon. Not all criticisms of the newer characters and games are solely based on nostalgia, but especially in communities not dedicated to Pokémon, older fans who lost interest in the series are responsible for some of the most hasty and irrational criticisms of newer content.
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because people like to make mocking terms for people who disagree with them so they can make them seem irrational. that's why the term popped up in Transformers and Pokemon: to silence criticisms of the new by implying it must be solely because of irrational nostalgia for the old.

Now, to be fair, a lot of the times in the transformers fandom, the geewunners ARE hating the new because it isn't the old.


yes but at the same time I've been called a geewunner for calling the Bay films garbage when, well, they are.

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I wouldn't apply these terms across the board to people who simply prefer previous generations of whatever--I only consider them applicable when the close-minded nostalgia blinders are painfully obvious in someone's statements.  It's the extreme end of the spectrum, if you will.


As for "ohwunners" in particular, I just thought it would be neat if we had our own variant of the term and that fit the pattern.  No offense is meant to people who enjoy 01, only to those people who irrationally spew "OLD BETTER THAN NEW BECAUSE I SAID SO" and whatnot.

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Yes, but "ohwun" is actually quite different from "geewun". calling them "genwunners" would make more sense, since they all are clinging to Bionicle G1, but calling them "ohwunners" implies they preferred how Bionicle was in 2001, when a majority of the people who blindly hate the new Bionicle so far have been fans of the later years.

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I've been a fan since 2002, and I've enjoyed pretty much everything BIONICLE has handed to me, even if I didn't necessarily adore 2005. That said, I can usually see why a lot of people haven't liked everything, but I don't think it can be generalized at all. The reasons people have for disliking most of what we've seen so far seems to be based on a dislike of the video's artstyle rather than bullheaded nostalgia (as it seemed to have been with most of the Hero Factory haters before the theme actually came out and gave them a good reason to hate it).


Personally, I'll give new BIONICLE a chance just as I did Hero Factory. And if it fails to keep my interest just as Hero Factory failed, then, aw well. I'm 20 years old anyway, I should probably be doing more important things.

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