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Depressing day

Taka Nuvia


And it's all my fault as well. Yay.


And to make sure this doesn't turn into vagueblogging, a small explanation:


I totally underestimated the amount of time, work, and additional research that would be needed for one of the exercise courses, thus have been able to solve only a single problem out of 9, I have no idea about the rest, am confused and stressed and just a -tiny- bit down. And of course the exercise course is tomorrow. Why wouldn't it be.


I'll do better next week. I have to.


On a somewhat positive note, I have a handful of plans and strategies that are actually constructive.

So I guess it's not only whining and stuff.


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Thank you all for the kind words. :J


Sometimes a picture can better portray something than words for instance:


*sends you hugs*


*glomps of empathy*


Mathing woes, girl. Mathing woes. (Assuming this is math, of course.)

 Relativity-related mathing, yes.

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