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Garreg Mach

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I was wondering if I did an AMA specifically regarding the Mafia Epics series (or by extension I suppose the Mafia games that I've hosted), would people be interested? This wouldn't be for those random, absurd questions people always ask, it'd be to answer legitimate questions you have, to satisfy curiosity about actual decisions I made or things that happened.


So... interest level? Yes/no?


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I'd be interested in learning some things about the planning of the series and how you've organized the characters and such... but I also feel like many of the more interesting questions would be unanswerable due to spoiler territory.

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I'd be interested in learning some things about the planning of the series and how you've organized the characters and such... but I also feel like many of the more interesting questions would be unanswerable due to spoiler territory.


It would depend on the questions. I mean, if you're asking what the ultimate fate of a character will be, obviously I won't answer (although for most, that's mainly because I don't even know if they'll be in Book 3 yet).

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