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Wanna Be in a BZP Story?



EDIT: I've started on this, so any new entries will not be major characters.


I have an idea for a new story to celebrate the return of Bionicle. Specifically, a story featuring members of BZ-Koro, the virtual village where Bionicle fans hang out. (An analogy for BZPower, obviously.) I planning to use a few story tricks I’ve done previously, and one of those is to have members submit their names to become major characters!


All you’d have to do is fill out a short entry form in this blog and I’ll consider making you a character. Depending on how many entries I get, you may or may not get to be a main character, but I’ll do my best to make sure everybody who submits gets into the story. (And people are more interested in stories they’re in, so I hope to garner some readership that way too. :P ) You can pick your character traits, as stated below, so that I’ll be basing it off what you want to be like rather than just my impression of you. ;) (Some higher staffies will be in this regardless. How else are we supposed to have a supreme overlord if I don’t include Black Six?) That said, I do reserve the right to make slight alterations to characters to fit the story. (Or, if, y’know, you make yourself too powerful.)


Anyway, entry submission time!!

  • Name: Generally based off your username, but pick one if you change it often, or pick a shorter nickname if your original is way long. So like somebody called “Blardy The Super Cool Toa of Extremeness” will get it shortened to “Blardy.” If you’d like to think up something entirely original, go ahead, I guess, but then people won’t recognize it as you. :sly:
  • Area of Expertise: What’s something you know a lot about, Bionicle-wise. Is it masks? Weapons? Characters? Locations? Can you craft stuff, or are you stealthy? Choose something fairly limited, like a simple profession or area of study. Forge disks, purify protodermis, study Rahi, knowledgeable in Bionicle history? (This is one where I might tweak things if you try to godmod the character.)
  • Mask: Choose a mask of power that you can use. It’ll be Great Mask level, and let’s limit it to the common ones, so no legendary masks of time, light, life, creation, shadows, energy, ext.
  • Weapon / Element: You can choose a weapon that has elemental powers. Like a fire sword or earth hammer. You can pick the design and the element, but no extra gimmicks.
  • Side: Are you good or evil? Or are you a turncoat? If you want to be the latter, enter in which side you want to appear as, and then PM me the details so we can keep it a secret. :sly:
  • Motivation: Answer this question: Why would you embark on a quest? For the fame, or for the fortune? Help me learn what makes your character act.
  • Fatal Flaw: Here’s where you deviate your character from yourself (or at least claim to.) Pick some sort of unique downside to your character. Are they afraid of snakes? Can’t swim. Weakness to lightstones? Inexplicitly turn into a koala one a day for just fifteen minutes? Be creative here, and it’ll challenge me to include this into the story!
  • Other Details: If there’s something else about your character that you want to include that’s not covered above. Don’t go into too much detail here, cause there’s only so much characterization I can pull off, but something extra to add your special personality to the character in the story.

Aaaaaand that’s all I’ve got for now. I might start writing in a few days or so, depending on how quickly I get entries. (Or if nobody is interested I’ll just scrap the project.) But thanks for reading, now submit your own character!



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Name: Skitty

Area of Expertise: Cats, being genderfluid, being vaguely passive aggressive (or not so vague)

Mask: Zatth, the Great Mask of summoning (cats)

Weapon / Element: Air Katana 

Side: Obviously cats belong on the side of good. :3

Motivation: For the glory of the sin'dorei  Evil must be eaten stopped, I will not relent until my enemy is in a laughing fit and cannot control themselves. 


Other Details: Wherever the cats go, I will be there. 

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Okay, deadline reached. I'll start working on this tomorrow, hopefully with a chapter or something to go by, using the characters listed above. Any further entries will be considered but probably won't get a major role... I have a lot to fit in now anyway. :P



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I read everything about deadlines and such.


Name: Kayn


Area of Expertise: A proficient swordsman, Kayn has been known to dispatch his foes in unlikely manners against unlikely odds. Some ridiculous rumors sometimes circulate that he took down a Mata Nui robot with a rusty spoon. That would be ridiculous though... wouldn't it?


Mask: Wears a grey Great Hau. Since damaged it gives Kayn only limited shielding.


Weapon / Element: Extended Protosteel Blade / Kayn was once known to be a timid Matoran of Earth but certain circumstances ended him up as being a Toa of Ice


Side: Good. Kayn has always strived to fight for what is right. Even after many of his allies choosing a dark path, he stuck to the light.


Motivation: Power. Kayn will accept anything that will in the end give him some form of development on his abilities so that he can fulfill his personal vendetta.


Fatal Flaw: Being a pronounced wielder of blades, Kayn has had little to no experience with projectiles and has often found himself on the receiving end of a ranged weapon.


Other Details: Kayn once belonged to a team of Toa known as the Reduo. As soon as the team was past their prime, Kayn's most trusted allies fragmented and went their separate ways for better or for worse. Since then Kayn has found it increasingly difficult to trust new people.


Wow I just read the last post's date and I feel silly for it. Do whatever I don't need to be added anyway

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If it's not too late to throw my name in, I'd like to give this a shot.


Name: The 1st Shadow (or just Shadow)


Area of expertise: I know nearly everything there is to know about BIONICLE, both story and sets (seriously, I know the build and identity of every set, and can tell you most of the history of each character with very little help--basically, the whole of the BIONICLE universe is squeezed into my head). My writing and variety of artictic talents probably wouldn't contribute as much to anything. :P


Mask: Kakama (I'm very particular about mine, having a special fondness for it)


Weapon/Element: A drill-topped staff (like Whenua's) and a hand-and-a-half sword. Elemental affiliation is Light, but I use the ability to disguise my color scheme to appear black and green.


Side: I lean towards good, but probably wouldn't mind joining the Fisher's team if circumstances required it. Perhaps sort of an anti-hero type.


Motivation: Entirely selfish. ;) I'm out to be recognized, and with my skills and innate knowledge of all things BIONICLE, I'd probably try to go after the Mask on my own. (Think Teridax--I've done a lot for the community, but never get any recognition. This would be my chance to change that.) Or if fishers team breaks through, then I might offer myself up to the staff as the one to reign them in and ensure they don't mess with the mission. 


Fatal flaw: I sometimes assume that my knowledge is enough, and I tend to overestimate myself in desperate circumstances. I also overthink things, and will occasionally overlook the simplest approach in my need to outdo myself and everyone around me.


Other details: I'm an unnaturally tall, rebuilt Av-Matoran somehow possesses the ability to use Great Kanohi (But I only ever use my Kakama, on the grounds that I "don't trust" other masks.) I also wear a long leather coat.

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