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Hero Factory RPG Interest Gauge/Feedback



I had planned to bring back the HF RPG after iBrow abandoned it and it died, but now HF is dead too. :P So now I'm looking to gauge interest and possibly get feedback for what you guys want out of a new RPG.


Here are some questions I'm looking to answer.


1. What is your interest level? (Please be honest. At this juncture, I'm not counting Yeses and Maybes and comparing them against a number - this is to gauge interest. Betweens are allowed.)


Yes (I'm absolutely going to play no matter what)

Maybe (I'll play if time allows and/or certain things are included)

Convince Me (I'll play if it's really, really good)

No (I'm not playing, no matter what)


2. What features from iBrow's old RPG if any, do you want to see in the new version? (Do you want me to just reboot iBrow's, with some problems resolved, if any?)


3. Would you like features from certain HF storylines (Breakout, IFB, Greg's intergalactic conspiracy, etc) to be included? What characters would you like to see?


4. Anything else you want to see in here?


At this moment, the story is rather open to what everyone else wants - if you name elements from Greg's HF books, I'm getting them and doing my homework (but I need to know which homework to do :P). Right now what I feel most strongly about is the game formula, which I'm not going to spoil just yet. If you have comments about that, feel free to put them down and I will consider them, but keep in mind that what you say may not necessarily be adopted.


When I'm ready to start this, it will go through the standard approval process in LRPG.


Recommended Comments

1. Yes. Very yes.

2. I think that the old HF had a good set-up, and that the majority of it could be re-used, as long as it's kept active. 

3. Yeah, giant mechs somewhere eventually would be nice for a little bit of fun, eventually. :P I do also like having a few canon characters, as team leaders or mission briefers, perhaps even trainers. That could be an idea, and would certainly help keep people together: Have the RPG be based around a 'Rookie School' or something along those lines where our characters are learning from the canon ones and going out on missions to test their skills. Can't go too wrong with that, most of the time. :P

4. Might be nice to expand a bit more on the Hero Cores, delve a bit deeper into their lore and creation, perhaps on a mission or as a mystery. ^_^



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I like Hero Factory, but never really got into online role-playing. To be honest, I don't know if I have the kind of improvisational skills and imagination they would require. Writing stories is hard enough; being a PART of an ongoing story seems like more pressure than I could really handle! And probably emotionally exhausting for me as well, if my experience with improv exercises in my drama classes is any indication.

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2. Seemed like it already had a good enough setup that minimal changes, if any would be required.

3. Why the heck not? I never followed HF's story much but mechas are totally cool with me. =P

4. What Zakaro said. Deeper lore makes for more interesting story.

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I like Hero Factory, but never really got into online role-playing. To be honest, I don't know if I have the kind of improvisational skills and imagination they would require. Writing stories is hard enough; being a PART of an ongoing story seems like more pressure than I could really handle! And probably emotionally exhausting for me as well, if my experience with improv exercises in my drama classes is any indication.

It's less about improvisational skills IMO, more like thinking it through. Because we're on an online forum setup, you can read the thread, walk away/think about it, and then come back. (Plus you're not in front of a group where everyone is staring at you. Even my improv skills are strained in that situation - it's 100% normal. :))


The problem comes when you have a fast-moving RPG where everything is changing every ten minutes. I'm not sure this one would be necessarily, but it could be daunting in that respect. 



I'm still open for feedback, but responding: 


1. Excellent. (I need to put this in my sig though. Three players? Eh.)

2. Perhaps I should PM Voltex. :P (Again, most changes would be to keep the RPG sustainable and moving along anyway.)

3. @ Zak: We do need some space for villains though. (I remember someone had a good villain character last go-round. :)) Mechs - noted. If we bring in IFB, we have a cool map and a magnetic vacuum tunnel to work with, so there is that. 

4. Lore/depth - noted. 

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1. Almost certainly

2. Most of it. :P The thing looks really cool. I do think you shouldn't have multiple missions at once. It could stretch players too thin.

3. I want things like IFB and Brain Attack. And Greg's conspiracy.

4. Can't think of anythign else.

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