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Or, in other words, the pinnacle of human achievement. Landing a probe on a comet a bajilion miles away? Pfft, childs play. Combining snackfood and drink into a cheese-flavored carbonated beverage? That, people, takes true genius. I salute the pioneers at Pepsi for coming up with the one thing this world needed, the one thing we were missing from our lives but just didn't know it until now.


Truly, this is it, people. It's just all downhill from here.



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*is the only person who thinks doritos and mountain dew taste terrible together*

/has never tried both together, but agrees.


On their own they're okay, and Doritos, like cheetos from the 90s, are wrongfully dismissed just because of their association with gamer stereotypes; but together... Eh. It just doesn't seem like a good combination at all. =/

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How can this be real? In order for it to be real someone would have had to have thought it was a good idea. And nothing about combining Mountain Dew and Dorritos sounds like a good idea.


Seriously, just... ew.

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