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Surprises and Realizations



I had an old family friend come over about two days ago, they brought with them friend's kid who apparently is into lego. Mind you the old family friend is technically the doctor who has dealt with me for the majority of my life, assisted with all the medical i have had and what not, so he knows my ever growing collection of mocs and bionicles. But back to the story. Family friend comes over, unannounced, and brings the kid with him. Naturally I am not prepared for company meaning I don't have socks on. After initial introductions are made the friend asks if the kid could see my collection, which I happily oblige. It's only after the friend asks which of the sets are my favorite, my response being cahdok and gahdok and including what year they were released... The kid speaks up and states 'Oh, that was the same year I was born.'


Two things crossed my mind that instant. First one being I felt rather older than I should, and had to hold myself back from saying I had bionicles older than the kid, because so rare do I meet another human being in person who I can say that about, let alone that i'm actually older than them, since majority of my 'acquaintances' are older than me. The second thing that crossed my mind was that I suddenly felt short. I'm only like 5'8", and this kid was already a tch taller than me. Add in the age that kid is and the fact he likely hasn't reached a growth spurt yet... it's a bit daunting.


But alas I held back any urges and the kid even took a picture infront of my collection... Made his day at least and the family friend was appreciative.

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I remember when I was younger, one of my best friends was into the regular Lego and another was into Bionicle (like, both bordering on obsession).


It was awesome. I haven't really met any big Bionicle fans IRL since I moved away, though. The concept seems so foreign to me now...

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You're only 5'8"? Dang man, I'm 6'5" and still growing!


I had a friend at my last year of high school, he really loved Transformers and the show Gargoyles. After getting to know him I revealed my love for Bionicle (which he used to get the sets) and he was fascinated by how much story there was. As well as making him from atheist to agnostic, I also made him a bit of a minor Bionicle fan. My tongue gained a silver coating that year.

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You're only 5'8"? Dang man, I'm 6'5" and still growing!


*Stares a death glare at you*

At least with my shortness I don't have to worry about hitting ceiling fans.


Just joking incase it wasn't obvious

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You're only 5'8"? Dang man, I'm 6'5" and still growing!


*Stares a death glare at you*

At least with my shortness I don't have to worry about hitting ceiling fans.


Just joking incase it wasn't obvious




Actually, that is a problem, not so much my head but my arms and hands: I have to be careful of where I stretch or act crazy, because one of those fan blades can easily whack ya and give you sore thumb or a bruised hand. I also hate sitting in cars: most windows are too short so I only have half of my vision; it's going to be hard to find the right car when I can get one. Also, everything is too short: you have to bend down quite far for most things and it hurts your back.


Height is both a curse and a blessing. :P

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5'7" here. My height is not something I complain about - it's the optimal size for tree climbing. :) Or ladder climbing.


Also, short people tend to run faster and have an easier time surfing, if you've ever wanted to try that. :P

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I've got quite a bit of muscle on me, but I'm also 239 lbs because of it, and I have a massive shoulderset. So... Cant ride ponies :crying:

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