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Garreg Mach

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Fire Emblem: Awakening



So... I bought it today, just to pass the time, since outside of Majora's Mask 3D I don't think there's really anything coming until Codename: S.T.E.A.M. in March.


I'm looking forward to the game arriving so that I can finally play it =D

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It's literally so good Prepare for the ride of your life


I am very, very excited

I've literally been wanting this game for 2 years

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I don't have many games for my 3ds, but let me tell you, this is perhaps one of the best games I have for mine. You will not be disappointed.

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Oh man. About time you grabbed it. Now I'm obligated to help you make an optimized run.

Let him derp around first. Gotta play as pure as possible first time through =P


(even if it means you give Seth far too many kills in the early game and it is literally impossible to finish some of the later levels and you have to start Rekka no Ken all over)


(darn you seth. darn you)


But really I love Fire Emblem and I am thinking about getting a 3ds now because there will be two fire emblem games for it and urrgggg

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I have no idea what anything you lot are talking about means

I have very little idea what they are talking about either voltex... then again my entire playthrough of Awakening has been without any outside help, so they likely have secret strategies and whatnot.

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Apoptheosis is the single hardest mission in the game. You gotta breed the right superbabies to have a chance of beating it.

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And I was talking about the seventh game in the Fire Emblem series, Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken, also known as just Fire Emblem in NA. It was the first one in the series to be imported into NA. There is a character at the beginning who is ridiculously OP in the first few chapters, can basically finish many of the missions by himself, but he is absolutely trash towards the end of the game.


But yeah guys


Fire Emblem is so good

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There is a character at the beginning who is ridiculously OP in the first few chapters, can basically finish many of the missions by himself, but he is absolutely trash towards the end of the game.

Isn't that a recurring trope in every game though? The crutch character who levels super slow, but is available as a promoted unit or just a really good character from chapter one?


I know the Black Knight in Radiant Dawn was like that, and Frederick is in FE13/FE:A

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Yeah, pretty much, but it feels more obvious with Marcus* to me. Mostly because I got stuck for like a year because of him and ended up restarting. =P 


I also haven't played FE13 yet, or Radiant Dawn, really, so I don't know. My experience is pretty much limited to the GBA games and some fan translations of the older SNES games. =P


Would kinda surprise me if it wasn't a trope though, Marcus from FE7 and Seth from FE8 both fit that role pretty much to a T. 


*Was using the Clutch Character from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones's name, when I meant Marcus. Oops. xD

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Frederick can actually become not-trash, though. :P


Also, enjoy the game! It's particularly appropriate you have it now because I keep thinking your avatar is Lucina whenever I scroll past it.

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