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Protectors of the Elements

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought pop in really quick and let you folks know that I finally got around to building those BIONICLE Protectors sets, I got awhile back.




And well, I think they are pretty good little sets. I really like how the armor looks on them (Although I am not a fan of the lack of back armor on the Protector of Fire and the Protector of Earth.). Also they all have some neat looking weapons (Although the weapon of the Protector of Water is difficult to pose with.).


If I had to think of any complain about them really, it would be lack of a name for the Protectors. *shrugs* I don't know. I just find it a bit awkward to have refer to them as Protector of "Whatever Element," so someone can know which one I am talking about.


I should note I don't really know anything about BIONICLE Generation 2 story as I have yet to watch or read any of media. So yeah, I am pretty clueless about that stuff.


But if I had guess the lack of name for them is probably because the Protector sets are just supposed to be generic villager characters (Meaning they could be any villager in the tribe or whatever it is in this story.). *shrugs*


Again, I don't really know. Its on my to do list to check out the story eventually. I just hadn't got to it yet.


With that said, I like 2015 BIONICLE sets so far. I am hoping to maybe get a Toa at some point. I don't know which one I'll get. Probably Tahu, although I am open to suggestions from you folks, so feel free to do so.


In other news, I thought I should mention here that if anyone wants a 3DS demo code for Monster Hunters 4 Ultimate, I have at least three codes that I could give to some folks here. So yeah, if you want it, let me know and I'll sent you a code. Well, I am out of codes now.


Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015


*goes back to watching Star Trek: Voyager*

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They don't have names as of yet, which gets a bit confusing. Especially since they have unnamed ancestors that look exactly like them.


(also I'll totally take one of those codes :3)

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I WOULD ask for one of the codes.


If Blade didn't give me one of hers because she's awesome~

Seriously, she is. This game is awesome and now February 13 cannot come soon enough.

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They don't have names as of yet, which gets a bit confusing. Especially since they have unnamed ancestors that look exactly like them.


(also I'll totally take one of those codes :3)

I actually think the unnamed ancestors are part of the reason why they weren't given names — this way, the Protector sets can be used either to represent the current generation of Protectors or the Protectors of the past.


Rather than generic villagers, think of the Protectors as village leaders like the Turaga, except instead of the title being given to heroes who "graduate" from being Toa, it's passed down in a single family line from generation to generation. It's actually a term that has some history behind it when referring to BIONICLE village leaders — the original bios for the Turaga on BIONICLE.com identified them each one as the protector of the corresponding Toa's legend. Likewise, the Protectors are in charge of passing down the Prophecy of Heroes to future generations.


Whenever you decide you want to get caught up with the storyline, you can catch up with it starting here. There are currently just five story videos ("The Legend" and the first four episodes) which are each less than two minutes long, as well as a 30-second video for each of the Toa on their character pages.


There are also a handful of other story details that have been revealed from other places on the website and the LEGO Club magazine, but I'm sure they'll be covered in the story episodes when/if they become relevant.

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