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So That Gaara vs. Toph Death Battle Coming Up......



I'm not gonna claim I'm not biased, because I totally am. I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was younger, and I still think it's one of the greatest cartoons-no, TV shows to ever exist. From what I've seen, Legend of Korra is also amazing, but the original will always hold a more special place in my heart.


Toph was one of my favorite characters from the show, even if she didn't get as much character development as the others. The fact she still kicked major butt despite being blind, and how awesomely sassy she is makes me like her just as much as I do Sokka and his hilarity, really. And yeah, her Earthbending is really, really frigging impressive. There's one thing though.


Shonen characters can sometimes be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda overpowered.... As I believe is the case for Naruto characters.


And from the things I've read so far, Gaara looks like a beast (literally since he has that Shukaku demonthing in his belly)..... This kind of displeases me... No, it displeases me a lot, because I want Toph to win reaaaaaaaaaaaaally badly, but I'm not sure if she can anymore.......


Then again, there's this quote from Ben Singer on his Twitter regarding this battle.....

*Reads comments saying the next Death Battle is one-sided. LAUGHS MANIACALLY AT THE POOR IGNORANCE OF MAN!!!* Muahaha...


Does this mean I can get my hopes up? Please tell me it does.....

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You're right about shonen characters being overpowered. Naruto himself is so overpowered, he has almost every overpowered ability in the story. That's just an example (and also a fact), and Gaara's pretty powerful himself. He hardly has to move in order to kill someone.


If Toph is gonna Gaara's skin, let alone ht him, she has to move fast. There's a guy in Naruto called Rock Lee who fought Gaara. Rock Lee didn't have many special abilities, so he stuck to taijutsu (physical attacks) and couldn't bust through Gaara's sand. However, Rock Lee had removed training weights from his ankles (they were incredibly heavy) and was able to move fast enough to scratch Gaara's cheek. But that didn't matter at all. Gaara broke off his skin to reveal... another Gaara. :D Lee had to amp up his game and ended up landing many good hits on Gaara. Gaara tanked them all and Lee could hardly move afterward due to overworking his body to the point of physical injury.


Don't fret, though. There is hope for Toph. Toph will have to be as good as Naruto if she could ever hope to hit his body good enough to get results. If my memory serves me right, Naruto had actually bashed his head against Gaara's forehead, and I think that did the trick by earning Naruto the win (I'll have to reread that part :P). Basically, Toph has to act fast enough to get past Gaara's defenses like Rock Lee and Deidara did.


As for the tweet, there's no way of knowing who the target of that tweet was. For all we know, Ben could have been saying that people shouldn't underestimate Gaara. While I'm rooting for Gaara, even I know that this won't be a one-sided fight. I think Toph has a good chance, but she won't have many opportunities to land a blow. She'll have to dive at each at every one if she wants a prayer of winning.

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Well this is interesting.  I don't know all the exact specifics like what part of the timestream we're taking Gaara from, but Gaara, while he does have that demonthing in him, never made peace with said demonthing.  In Part I, he could unleash it, but had absolutely no control over it (not to mention it was actually made of sand, and...well, I'll get to that), and in Part II it actually gets taken out of him.  Besides, we've seen that Toph can create and control a giant thing out of metal (in The Promise graphic novels), so there's a chance for a Shukaku vs Toph Armor kaiju battle.


Which would be awesome.


But anyway, the thing here is that both combatants can control sand.  For Gaara, that's all he can do (literally all he can do), but Toph also has rock, earth, and metal, which gives her more variety plus the ability to potentially turn Gaara's abilities against him.  Sand armor?  Make it constrict around him.  Shukaku made of sand?  Force it to disperse.  Sand Coffin?  Hah, no.  Meanwhile all the earth and rocks she throws will have to be dealt with in more conventional ways by Gaara, distracting him.  At some point he'll probably think he can take an advantage by flying via sand platform, thinking Toph won't see him if he's not on the ground.  Which would be true...if not for the fact that she would also be able to sense the giant sand platform he needs to use.  And bend it.


I mean Gaara might have more in the way of raw power, and could be more aggressive (if we're using Part I Gaara, definitely more vicious), but I think Toph's increased number of options really give her the edge in this match.


She'll take the belt back now.


EDIT: Oh my gosh


It just sunk in: I actually believe a non-shounen character can beat a shounen character


*tears of joy*


I never thought it would happen...!

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I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Gaara's sand is special. Not only is it spiked with blood (which might not help my case), but it's also powered with chakra, probably making it some kind of chakra sand. Think about it; in order to do anything relatively useful in Naruto, you need chakra to do it. Controlling sand is well within that area. If the sand is lined with chakra, does anyone know if that'll inhibit Toph's ability to bend it? I mean, Naruto chakra is energy, but I read that A:TLA chakra is merely a "path" in which energy flows, so there might be a different energy involved with these "paths" (right?). Correct me if I'm wrong here.

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True, if the sand is laced with Gaara's chakra that might prevent Toph from being able to bend it.


Chakra is used in a different sense in Avatar, yes, but they use "chi" in a pretty similar sense to how Naruto uses "chakra", so I think there may be an equivalent force.  We don't know for sure, though.


Still, even if they can't take control of each other's attacks, Toph still has the advantage in variety.  I'm still rooting for her.

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This is going to be the next Death Battle?


Oh this could be interesting.


And I don't expect it to be that one-sided.

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Ah, thought so.


Yeah, it's hard to say. In Dragon Ball Z, characters use "ki" energy, which is actually quite different from Naruto's chakra, but not sure about Avatar.


I'm pretty sure Gaara could still take the earth used in Toph's attacks, considering he can break down rocks and earth into sand, but I won't doubt Toph.

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Hmmm, it's been a while since I've seen Gaara in action, so I'm going off of the Naruto Wiki here (which may not be entirely accurate), so forgive me; but this says that Gaara has to crush whatever earth he needs with his special sand, and this sand is a little more difficult to control than his special sand?


It might be wrong, but it probably would still take a bit of time to turn Toph's earth/stone attacks into sand.  And there is still the possibility of there being some metal to bend around here.


Gaara's awesome of course, but I will not be swayed from supporting Toph! *clenches fist, eyes burn with the fires of determination* Dang I need eyedrops now.

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First things first, if the battle features Shukaku vs. Metal Kaiju armor, that would be FREAKING HARDCORE and have all of my yes.


Anyways, this battle I think will become a tug of war over the elements soon. Yes, Gaara can use his sand to crush earth into more sand.... But so too can Toph compress sand into earth. Therefore, things cancel each other out..... Not to mention if Toph is still able to bend Gaara's sand, she might not even have to do that.


Gaara doesn't even need to be using a sand platform for Toph to see him midair. That gourd carrying his sand with his mother's soul? Preeeeeeeetty sure Toph could see that, if Gaara decided to start jumping all over the place for some reason.


And since I don't think Gaara can crush metal into sand (I wouldn't know how he could anyways), Toph still holds that advantage. If it was metalbending that gives her victory, I wouldn't be that surprised.


Go Toph! I believe in youuuuuuuuuu~

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Actually, I think you might be right about that first part, but I'm not so sure about the controlling difficulty. I don't think it would take much for the new sand to adapt to be like the special sand. I'm not entirely sure.


I also think it would take some time, but if Gaara brought enough sand, he can use some to handle the earth/stone while using the rest to try and counter Toph.


Gaara's awesome, but not invincible. :'(


Wait, does gold dust count as metal? Gaara can manipulate that.

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*cups hands around mouth, inhales deeply*




Really though this is fun to read.

Backeth from where thoust came from, vile beast! Thou doth not know the attachment us fellows have to these characters!


...... Or in other words, debating over which fictional character trumps another one is a thing and is used as a way to prove our knowledge and dedication to a certain work of fiction, because we're proud of being nerds!


Anyways, I'm unsure of how much sand, earth, or metal will be in whatever arena Toph and Gaara end up in, but I have a feeling Gaara will have to make most of his ammo. Remember the rules for Death Battle? No planning or preparation by either character.


And gold probably does count as a form of metal.... But I'm unsure of whether Toph could bend it. See, metalbending in the Avatar universe works by detecting the impurities in metal and bending THOSE. Purified metals like platinum can't be touched by earthbenders....


Also, another reason why Toph should win, I only need to say two words. 




(okay I lied, three words)

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Okay, even I'm against fantasy nerds! :D


I never thought of it that way...


Gaara always takes a ton of sand with him anyway. I doubt they'd be fighting in a place where there's a whole lot for the combatants to use.


Interesting. I doubt the gold dust is that pure, though. I've never seen it in action yet.


I had no idea laughing counted as a word. :D

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Y'know, that's a good point. We'd probably be sewing Gaara control airborne kunai and shurikens if he could control metal.

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Natsu is also very overpowered. For a wizard of fire and dragon slayer, he really gets the most powerful move sets. Not only that but the fact that he's basically never had a near-death battle. Most of battles were life threatening but never to the point ere he dies.

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