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Mafia XXI: Silence - Final Scene and Post-Game Discussion



Dawn of the Final Day


They looked at each other, the three Matoran left, and the reality of the situation began to sink in. It was here, it was now that would define the end of the Silence. It was through this final moment that they would decide if they had a right to live or not.


The air was growing chill, and it felt as if life itself was vacating the building. As they looked at each other, confusion and uncertainty in their eyes, they began to understand the direness of their situation. From the open door, billows of fog began to seep into the room at alarming speeds.


The Matoran all looked at it in shock, wondering just what it was and where it was coming from. It quickly enveloped the room, making it hard to see anything. Suddenly, Toa Chuck took off running out of the room, leaving fishers and Doorman in his wake. Doorman looked over and pointed, and then they went. They were going to take down their enemies.


One the two got to the door, the hallway split. Unsure of which way Toa Chuck had gone, they motioned that they would split up, and off they ran.


Doorman took off to the left. He sprinted down the hall as quick as he could, trying to find the false Toa. He was going to find him, he would have to. He would not be the one to die this night, he was sure of it.


So it was that he ran down the hallways, checking every nook and cranny of the abbey. He would find the false Toa, he would have to! He checked door after door, looked in room after room. He saw overturned and destroyed desks, he saw blood stains where once there was none, but he did not see the false Toa.


Then, on his right, he saw the entrance to the basement. He glanced around, and then began a cautious descent into the basement.




Fishers had just seen the tail end of Toa Chuck turning the corner ahead through the fog. She sprinted after him, striving to catch up to the fast Matoran. He was so quick, but he could not run forever. The docks were gone, there was no way off the island. But, she had to end it now. While she could.


Chuck glanced backwards and saw the outline of the other Matoran gaining on him through the mist, and he whirled around and threw a nearby table with various candles on it down in her way, without breaking stride. Fishers barely leaped over it, and continued in her pursuit as fast as she could.


She would catch him. She knew it!




Doorman slowly descended into the dank underground room. He looked around, searching for any movement at all, when something caught his eye. A sparkle, a bright glow through the mists in this dark basement. He rushed over to it, and found a silver sword, lying forgotten on the floor. Suddenly, things began to fall into place...


They weren’t up against a Matoran. They were up against a Demon.


Swiftly, he scooped up the sacred weapon, holding it in his hand for a quick second. It felt balanced, it felt right.


The light flashed on the sword as Doorman flailed it around for a moment, before he dropped it in shock as he heard the tale-tell whisper of the killer. She must have found the false Toa, she must have found Toa Chuck.


He reached down and grabbed the sword once again, and took off towards the source of the whispering. He now had the tools to end this. He could now kill Barshai. The Demon was going to die, and tonight.




He skidded down the hallway, and he saw a welcome sight in front of him. Fishers was not dead yet! She stood facing him, with a small shard of glass in her hand, seemingly using it as a weapon. Toa Chuck stood opposite, with his back to Doorman, swaying slightly. They were in a standoff.


Without hesitation, Doorman took off running down the hall, with the Sacred Sword in hand. If anybody could hear him, they would hear his scream of rage as he sprinted to the Matoran. He was going to kill him! He was going to kill the Demon!


He was almost in striking range when Toa Chuck began to collapse, swaying more intensely now. The power of the Sword is too much for him! Doorman thought, Now is the time to strike!


With another almighty warcry, if it could have been heard, Doorman leapt towards the false Toa, thrusting the silver sword forward in a radiant flash. It cut right through the false Toa, whose blood then splattered the ground as he fell to the side.


Doorman yanked the sword out of the false Toa’s body with pride, when suddenly the Silence ended, and a wave of sound crashed over him. Every sound of the last 11 days suddenly assaulted his eardrums, causing him to collapse under the weight of this cacophony.


It felt like an eternity, there on the hard ground, suddenly catching up to almost two weeks worth of sounds. It was chaos, it was pure pain. It was heavenly, a pain that Doorman was glad to have. It meant that he had succeeded. That they had succeeded. Eventually, he slowly began to sit up.


Toa Chuck’s body was still on the ground, the final causality in this mess of a war. The last blood to be spilt in the Scarlet Abbey. Doorman leaned against the cold wall, thankful to be done. Thankful that it was all over. They had won.


“It’s over...” he whispered to himself, just to hear his own voice. “It’s over...”


“Yeah.” Fishers said, sitting up from across the body of the false Toa. A pool of blood was slowly seeping out towards the edges of the halls. They both slowly stood to their feet, and stood for a moment in silence.


No, not silence. They stood, listening to the sounds of wind whistling through the open windows. They listened to the soothing march of the light drizzle outside. They listened to the birds chirp, to the chatter of squirrels. They listened to everything that they had missed these past weeks.


Finally, Fishers broke the almost-silence. “So, what do we do now?


Doorman looked out the window. “Maybe we leave? What else is there here but memories of bloodshed?”


“I don’t know.” Fishers said. “I think you are forgetting something, though.”


“What could I possibly be forgetting?” Doorman replied as he turned around to look at Fishers. Instead of seeing the familiar Ko-Matoran standing behind him, though he saw something else. Something malicious. Something... demonic.


“You forgot...” said the almost-Fishers. “That I voted for you.”


She lashed forwards and grabbed the sides of Doorman’s head. With a sickening crunch that she had missed while in the Silence, she snapped his neck violently. One more body to add to the casualties. Yet another taste of revenge.


The body of Fishers fell to the floor, and another being entirely stepped out of the now empty shell. Barshai grinned, looking at the mayhem in this hall. It had done it. It had killed every one of them.


It basked for a moment in it’s success, then turned and left. The only thing it left behind was an abandoned abbey, now stained Scarlet.


Toa Chuck(Matoran) Killed by Barshai, the Demon (he was dead before Doorman showed up!)

Doorman(Matoran) Lynched.


Fishers64(Barshai) wins!


Barshai, the Demon (Siren): Choose a word. Every round, that word can be used in a conversation to anybody around BZPower. That player will die during the day round, and their vote will no longer count. Word chosen this time was “Possible”.


Good game, everybody! I hope to have some behind the scenes information and lessons learned from the game ready to post soon. I guess we will see. Thanks so much for playing, I hope you enjoyed it!

  • Upvote 9


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that was the point, you dork


The mafia only couldn't vote because they had a big group


and without the topic having that many people voting at once for the anti-village would have been too op


But the Siren was all alone so they didn't need that nerf


so yeah, that was extremely amusing xD

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boo i died night 2 because people actually thought that i would tell them the truth about being a secret role

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As I read the final scene, I momentarily thought I was actually some sort of sleeper agent. :P

To my credit, I voted for Fishers before Doorman posted his triangle scheme. I had planned to also vote for fishers the day prior, but I didn't get around to it. With the consistency of the secret role killings, I was pretty sure it was an active player, so I pretty much voted for people who mentioned they voted in the pm. :shrugs:

Regardless, it was a fun game. Congrats fisher!

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I'd like to say that of my two votes throughout the game, one was after I was dead and for "the official candidate for having some fun".

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I'm confused about the word thing. Clarification?

Anyway, good game, Fishers.

I can't say I'm sure that this kind of game works. I think that it rather dampens the psychological aspect so essential to Mafia (after all, it was developed as an exercise in psychology.) It didn't help that the Mafia was composed of the sort of folks that Fishers seems to have been going for (initially, at least.) Combine that with her being one of the newest players (and thus not an object of much attention,) and we didn't have a chance. Which is not to say she did a bad job. On the contrary, she succeeded in throwing us all off.  And as for Portal, someone had to try this type of game, and you are to be commended for doing so.


My apologies if I'm rambling. I'm feeling a bit sick ATM.

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Whenever she used the word possible in the general forums in reference to another player, she marked them for death the next day.


And yeah, I'll be talking about that more soon =P


(also get better dangit QP)

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I'm confused about the word thing. Clarification?


Anyway, good game, Fishers.

I can't say I'm sure that this kind of game works. I think that it rather dampens the psychological aspect so essential to Mafia (after all, it was developed as an exercise in psychology.) It didn't help that the Mafia was composed of the sort of folks that Fishers seems to have been going for (initially, at least.) Combine that with her being one of the newest players (and thus not an object of much attention,) and we didn't have a chance. Which is not to say she did a bad job. On the contrary, she succeeded in throwing us all off.  And as for Portal, someone had to try this type of game, and you are to be commended for doing so.


My apologies if I'm rambling. I'm feeling a bit sick ATM.


Well I'm glad it wasn't me who tried it, goodness


too much work

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There is no way I could resist. 10/10 would do it all over again. GLORIOUSNESS. 




I'm never trusting Fishers again.

You said "target" Chuck. I already had him targeted. What am I supposed to say? Don't target Chuck, he's not the secret role, I am? :P


And once I knew QP and Vox were mafia, it was an open-and-shut. QP needs a new Mafia strategy. It helped immensely that I was a ninja over in Ninjago. The person was killing off the Mafia, right in line with the lynchings in Ninjago too, which should have IDed the secret role as at least a player of that game. Then when they killed Vox, it should be obvious that they were a member of the Mafia in Ninjago. (I even mentioned Ninjago was important in Pulse's PM and was told I was nuts!) Then I lined up the kills straight down the Ninjago topic to make it REALLY obvious. Nobody seemed to get it until I was revealed as a ninja over in Ninjago...but by then it was too late. 


The only reason I escaped, I think, was that Portal didn't mention I targeted Chro too. You guys lynched before my target could go though. I also got very lucky that the detective didn't target me that night...I voted Pulse, not Chro, which was almost a smoking gun that I had a backup. 


What I don't get is why QP didn't catch on, although I guess he was dead before he could figure it out. The real mystery is Chro - "possible, but not likely" should have given me away to any browser of S&T lol. 


It sounds smart, but in reality, I just got really lucky. All the same, excellent game, everyone. While I may have to take a break to do other games for a bit, I shall return soon. 


(And now all the hosts have all of their hints for the next game lol.)

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And once I knew QP and Vox were mafia, it was an open-and-shut. QP needs a new Mafia strategy.

More accurately, I need to play Village for a change. :P




Ah... Seaborgium. You see, fellow Mafiosi aside, I was only in contact with him. I suggested Luroka as a possible suspect, but I certainly didn't think that he would blame me for everyone voting that way (assuming that he did.) I'm glad to see that someone got the Voxumo clue, as absurdly obvious as it was (we really need to tone down the clues, though that is understandably difficult in a game like this.)



And once I knew QP and Vox were mafia, it was an open-and-shut. QP needs a new Mafia strategy. It helped immensely that I was a ninja over in Ninjago. The person was killing off the Mafia, right in line with the lynchings in Ninjago too, which should have IDed the secret role as at least a player of that game. Then when they killed Vox, it should be obvious that they were a member of the Mafia in Ninjago. (I even mentioned Ninjago was important in Pulse's PM and was told I was nuts!) Then I lined up the kills straight down the Ninjago topic to make it REALLY obvious. Nobody seemed to get it until I was revealed as a ninja over in Ninjago...but by then it was too late. 


The only reason I escaped, I think, was that Portal didn't mention I targeted Chro too. You guys lynched before my target could go though. I also got very lucky that the detective didn't target me that night...I voted Pulse, not Chro, which was almost a smoking gun that I had a backup. 


What I don't get is why QP didn't catch on, although I guess he was dead before he could figure it out. The real mystery is Chro - "possible, but not likely" should have given me away to any browser of S&T lol. 


It sounds smart, but in reality, I just got really lucky. All the same, excellent game, everyone. While I may have to take a break to do other games for a bit, I shall return soon. 


(And now all the hosts have all of their hints for the next game lol.)


You see, I first assumed that the secret role was killing off the Mafia from XIX, then that it was killing off players who tended to have roles. The idea of concurrent games bleeding over into each other is strange to me, since I make a point of separating my actions in each one. I think that your pattern was so audaciously absurd that I would never have considered it (since I always kill those whom I deem the most dangerous.)

As for the "possible, but not likely" thing, I must confess to not being familiar with your catchphrase. And the fact that you were using it in other topics didn't really mean much. Meta-clues aren't really clues, unless explicitly mentioned as possible.

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Ah... Seaborgium. You see, fellow Mafiosi aside, I was only in contact with him. I suggested Luroka as a possible suspect, but I certainly didn't think that he would blame me for everyone voting that way (assuming that he did.)

I just used Ninjago...again...you were trying to vote Luroka the first night. So I figured you would take that to this game. I actually had the theory that you were a Matoran, and that's how you got Luroka. Turns out I was wrong.


As for concurrent games, it's actually the easiest way to play a point-of-contact type role. I needed a place to grab Mafia players, so another Mafia games is an obvious choice XP.


And the fact that you were using it in other topics didn't really mean much. Meta-clues aren't really clues, unless explicitly mentioned as possible.


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Well this was quite the fun little game type. Congrats on winning Fishers, it is truly rare for a neutral role to win, and I truthfully never suspected you.


(Next time can we include a link or something in the group chats about the final scene being posted somewhere else?)


E by Portal: Sure, Vox. I just really didn't feel like pming everybody again, so I posted it here and over in the BZP Mafia General Discussion thread. =P


(I forgot I could straight edit other people's posts too. This is weird)

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