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This bugs the heck out of me

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


4.Light and shadow: good addition or bad?

4) I always hate how stories handle these two elements. They always assume Shadow is automatically evil and malicious while Light is more virtuous and good. That logic is fundamentally flawed in my opinion. In the yin/yang model (which I believe it's supposed to be based off of half the time), it represents a whole that is comprised of two complimentary forces that appear contradictory. These forces are not there to erradicate one or the other. They are meant to be balanced so the whole can exist. At the same time, each side has a bit of the other in themselves. Legend of Korra came close in its final season, and I am so glad that someone finally came close. Unfortunately it kinda fell apart with Raava and Vaatu because wow was that bad.


Light is primarily active while Shadow is more passive according to my understanding. Light has just as much potential for a direct assault while Shadow has as much potential for working behind the scenes to make small changes to better the world. Why can't we have more stories like that? Shadow being evil is way over used, in my opinion. Though, it would be even cooler if a story actually recognized that neither is inherently good or evil. BIONICLE never did that. The Makuta were always playing with moral boundaries while Takanuva was always the hero. Even when he was evil in other universes, he was shadow. Even when Teridax was good, he was light. Uuuuuugh that is so annoying. I wanted an evil Takanuva that never lost his light. I wanted a good Teridax that never needed to abandon his shadow. Why didn't they exist?

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The number of fanfics that have been begging me to write them for the past I-don't-know-how-many-years that would've done just this...

Takuma Nuva

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The number of fanfics that have been begging me to write them for the past I-don't-know-how-many-years that would've done just this...



Takuma Nuva




on a totally unrelated note, any editors around, you know, let's, just, chat sometime

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Yeah, neither is good or evil and they are both morally ambiguous. I think most of our aversion to darkness is just human nature. Something done at night is far more sinister to us than something done in daylight.


If somebody is digging a hole in daylight, it's probably to plant a tree, or in my state, to plant a cactus, or maybe even planting dirt, because that'll give you a good chance as anything of growing something.


But if they're digging a hole at night, it's probably to dispose of a body or something. I mean why else would they be digging a hole at night?


Obviously neither of those is a safe bet, but it seems to be a logical conclusion, or at least from what I've heard people say.  I think there's a part in A Series of Unfortunate Events that gives the authors feelings on that and it's pretty much that, minus planting dirt.

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It's funny how BIONICLE really tried to get at this, but just couldn't make it all the way.


Kingdom Hearts is doing relatively okay with it, too; the main bad guy is trying to abolish what he calls "the tyranny of light", which is a fascinating way of putting it.


But, all the same, darkness represents the unknown, and subsequently the negative. Obviously Yin and Yang exist throughout assorted cultures and mythologies, but stories are told from the majority, which is light.

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Kingdom Hearts is doing relatively okay with it, too; the main bad guy is trying to abolish what he calls "the tyranny of light", which is a fascinating way of putting it.



Yeah, most Darkness specialists in Kingdom Hearts still tend to be evil while the Light specialists are good, but they have acknowledged that the problem lies in how people are using Darkness rather than Darkness itself.  It helps that the Keyblade we usually see Mickey using is actually from the Realm of Darkness, but he still uses Light magic and they don't really go into it that much, so...I dunno, it still needs some work, I guess.


Also, *dramatically points at Riku*

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Yeah this doesn't bother me. You bring up Ying/Yang, which is cool, but isn't a philosophy BIONICLE ever tried to adhere to (or at least I can't recall any instances) so it's moot. It's also a toyline meant for kids, and having distinct good and evil is easier to understand than morally ambiguous characters. And since darkness is strange and scary and light is warm and comforting, it seemed like the obvious thing to do.


Star Wars does this as well, where bringing balance to the force means wiping out all Sith. It's not a wrong convention, just a different way of thinking about it.

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It isn't so much Western culture corrupting Easter philosophy as it is Western philosophy fundamentally differing. Look as far back as Beowulf and the idea of light=good dark=bad is already well-engrained in our culture.


I do agree that it is overplayed at this point - which is why it is a shame they pulled the original plot with Makuta being good out from under us.

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