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Female Characters Wanted...

Raging Land Squid


First off, the picture you've all been waiting for:


The Sons of Plunder.


Now, I tried to clean this up as much as possible, but one can only do so much with an eraser... *sigh* Still, it came out pretty good.


Now, I've just started, and already I have a male heavy cast. I need some female characters to balance this out, and I plan on using no made up characters at all, so, I'm hoping that some of the few female members here will apply to be in this. Please, I'm actually begging here.


More content to come!


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Pretty cool, a pirate hand drawn comic? I can't wait to check that out!

It's gonna be awesome! Good luck on the character search, great cast so far.


You have ny villains yet? Well I shouldn't say "villains" I should say protagonists.

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So you ARE making it into a comic??? Great! Sign me up as a (male) character. I don't know many females on here, so I can't help you w/ your search, but I'm sure that some (besides ~Ithranna~) will join the cast.

EDIT: And suddenly, out of nowhere, Turakii appears. That was fast :blink: :wacko:

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Thanks, Turakii! Ignore that last PM I sent you. Heh heh... Laughin man, As soon as I'm done with Turakii and ~Ithranna!'s character, I'll work on yours. I suddenly have a good idea for your character... Heh heh...


I think I will go ask Lady K... Thanks, Nukie!

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Oh, and BK and frankin-kal-96's heads look akward... It's just... It's just wrong, dude... Plus, you're getting lots of Guest Star Opportunity flies here, you might wanna do what you did with tMAoMCaD.

Oh, and isn't Nukora a boy?... At least, I think that's what he/she/it said...

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Nukie was just suggesting I ask Lady K. Nukora is a guy. Hey, Bohrok heads are hard, dude. It took me three sheets of sketch pad paper just to get them to look that good...

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Nevermind, I though Ithranna said 'Nukora'. My bad.

And BTW, you could try a more stylized approach, like with your Rahkshi...

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BtB, if you knew the picture I just drew, you'd laugh... I am not a fan of Davey Jones...


hi ppl, you obviously didn't read the previous entry where I described the actual idea. Go back a few posts and read, and you'll realize the mistake you made...

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Dang, ever since they did Davey Jones on PotC, everyone thinks that Cthulhu is like DJ, not that DJ is like Cthulhu....




My legs seem a little short. :blink:


But I like it! =D What am I doing with my right hand? Am I like "Bring it on"?

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Because I'm Cthulhu, A Great Old One from a story written by H.P. Lovecraft back in the 1930's. I hate Davey Jones because of what Keyblade said in the post right above your's. Jones is Cthulhu-esque, not the other way around...

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Thanks, Turakii! Ignore that last PM I sent you. Heh heh... Laughin man, As soon as I'm done with Turakii and ~Ithranna!'s character, I'll work on yours. I suddenly have a good idea for your character... Heh heh...


I think I will go ask Lady K... Thanks, Nukie!


Hmmm... why do I have the feeling that it has somthing to do w/ my name...? People are always taking the "Laughin'" part of my name real seriously. Oh well.

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Because I'm Cthulhu, A Great Old One from a story written by H.P. Lovecraft back in the 1930's. I hate Davey Jones because of what Keyblade said in the post right above your's. Jones is Cthulhu-esque, not the other way around...

Maybe you should put a disclaimer up in your sig...

I look awesome... Midgets are cool. As is my coat. 'Tis quite stylish.

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