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so the first picture of the Suicide Squad was released

Laughing Man


I didn't know Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw and one of the Goombas from The Super Mario Bros. Movie were going to be in this.

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I was going to say, that doesn't really look like any incarnation of Quinn that I've ever seen... but I've also never really delved much into the world of comic books beyond what Hollywood gives us. I'm only familiar with her iconic jester costume, which probably wouldn't work very well with the tone that DC seems to be going with.


I gotta say, though, that I'm actually kind of looking forward to this. Like, comic book movies aren't really my thing, but I would love to see one with villain protagonists. And judging from that picture there are probably going to be some interesting personalities in this. Also I'm a fan of Will Smith so there's that.

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DC could be in a much better position than they are. While it's true that Marvel beat them to it with a shared cinematic universe, DC has more iconic characters. Also, they can learn from what Marvel has done, tweak it to suit their needs, and launch their own universe on the coattails of Marvel's success.
(I've not even had a problem with the casting; Jared Leto for the Joker and Jesse Eisenberg for Lex Luthor wouldn't have been my first choices in either case, but hey, no one thought Heath Ledger would be a good Joker either.)
At heart, comic book movies need a degree of self-awareness. Grittiness works here and there, but I can't see DC rivaling the MCU with an expanded Nolanverse.
tl;dr DC's squandering an opportunity here.

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*agrees with Sumiki*


I really feel like they could have taken a page or dozen from the Arkhan games. They were able to walk the line between pulp and gritty without feeling too over the top. And heck, bustier aside, at least that Harley Quinn wore pants.


Still, though, I want it to be good, just, y'know.

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