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I really miss Bionifight. The Senseless fighting, the interesting but sometimes infuriating fighters. Not to mention the wacky methods in which some obtained victory. It's odd that despite everything that occurred during the various bionifights, at least the ones I was in, and the frustration it brought, I looked forward to what each week would bring.


And before people say 'Why not just join Bionifight Infinite if you miss it so much' let me provide a reason why. I enjoyed the various versions of Voltex's Bionifight because it was pure combat, it was a pleasant escape from the otherwise slow as a snail Bzprpg. I came for the fighting, not for the story is a good summary. I enjoyed being able to skip over someone if they didn't respond in a reasonable timeframe, not constantly having my character stuck in a single scene because joe schmo can't post a reply. It was fast paced and fun. Also each player only having one character to fight with really allowed for some... getting to know your opponent and how they think. Didn't always have to go back and check profiles just to post and hope I'm not confusing one character with another. It allowed for a sort of detailed familiarity, to the point that one could likely even imagine what that character would look like without always having to check the profile.


Though other two reasons for not joining bionight are far simpler. I've seen the number of pages that topic is able to crank out daily, and I would never be able to keep up, especially considering each person has so many characters all posting in the same topic. I've tried to skim through it on occasion and I just don't have the patience. Secondly I feel like if I were to join now I'd be utterly lost and really under-powered/at a disadvantage with people who have been playing for quite sometime. At least with the old Bionifights most everyone was on even footing each new round, minus the occasion Drift Force weapons, which by the end of the Drift force it seemed a good majority had at least one drift force weapon, making it a bit even.


Also forgot to mention a third, very important reason. I just don't have the time for another rpg. I'm already trying to keep my characters in the Bzprpg somewhat active, don't think I could keep another character, in another rpg active either. Let alone follow the plot of two different rpgs.

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Yeah, I'll agree that the G&T Bionifights were better. In those, you could do cool stuff, have OP magnetism powers :P, and no one would complain.


In Infinite I have people complaining every time one of my characters does anything remotely cool. "It's not realistic!" Well, having an interdimensional fighting tournament is not realistic either. Just because my character does something that you didn't think was a viable option...


Real frustrating.

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Yeah, I'll agree that the G&T Bionifights were better. In those, you could do cool stuff, have OP magnetism powers :P, and no one would complain.


In Infinite I have people complaining every time one of my characters does anything remotely cool. "It's not realistic!" Well, having an interdimensional fighting tournament is not realistic either. Just because my character does something that you didn't think was a viable option...


Real frustrating.

Exactly. In the old Bionifights creativity was encouraged, but because so many of the new players to bionifight are those who came from the Bzprpg, they are use to having to use their powers in a realistic, and boring fashion, and in a very strict set of guidelines. You can do this this and this, but not this that or that. It's hard to change a mentality you have grown use to.


I mean remember Zakaro's one weapon? At least i think it was Zakaro's. Can't remember what it was called but it basically fired random things. Unrealistic as heck but fun as i'll get out to fight against.


Though that's not to say the old bionifights didn't have their share of argueing, but mainly it was when something seemed auto-hittish.

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If getting caught up in the story is any issue at all, there is an IC event coming up within the next month that will solve that issue.

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Can't remember what it was called but it basically fired random things.


Ehks has that now.


Well, Ten does. Gem of Randomness.

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Can't remember what it was called but it basically fired random things.


Ehks has that now.


Well, Ten does. Gem of Randomness.



It's magnificent.

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Exactly. In the old Bionifights creativity was encouraged, but because so many of the new players to bionifight are those who came from the Bzprpg, they are use to having to use their powers in a realistic, and boring fashion, and in a very strict set of guidelines. You can do this this and this, but not this that or that. It's hard to change a mentality you have grown use to.


I mean remember Zakaro's one weapon? At least i think it was Zakaro's. Can't remember what it was called but it basically fired random things. Unrealistic as heck but fun as i'll get out to fight against.


Though that's not to say the old bionifights didn't have their share of argueing, but mainly it was when something seemed auto-hittish.

Yeah, but we wouldn't have arguments like every page or something. I don't think I've managed to get through a single interaction set without people complaining about something.


I expect my characters to have a high degree of doing something when I write them. They are going to try to escape/dodge/whatever. They are not just going to roll over and die.


I do like the story of the RPG and the characters in there, so I want to continue. But I'd like to see more of the Bionifight mindset and less of the crippling BRPG mindset. That turns battles into endless boring grinds instead of the "BLAST EVERYTHING" battles of Drift Force.

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If getting caught up in the story is any issue at all, there is an IC event coming up within the next month that will solve that issue.

I'm slightly intrigued. Because if I can join when a new 'arc' begins, I'd be more inclined to join since I wouldn't be required to go back and relearn a whole history.


Though if I ever do rejoin Bionifight, I may pm you or chro first just to try and get some questions answered.

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If getting caught up in the story is any issue at all, there is an IC event coming up within the next month that will solve that issue.

I'm slightly intrigued. Because if I can join when a new 'arc' begins, I'd be more inclined to join since I wouldn't be required to go back and relearn a whole history.


Though if I ever do rejoin Bionifight, I may pm you or chro first just to try and get some questions answered.



Chro is no longer staff, so I would recommend PMing me.


And yes, this new "arc", so to speak, will not require you to know everything that has happened (but I plan on posting a synopsis of all major events so far anyway).

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If getting caught up in the story is any issue at all, there is an IC event coming up within the next month that will solve that issue.

I'm slightly intrigued. Because if I can join when a new 'arc' begins, I'd be more inclined to join since I wouldn't be required to go back and relearn a whole history.


Though if I ever do rejoin Bionifight, I may pm you or chro first just to try and get some questions answered.



Chro is no longer staff,


Yup I'm really, really behind

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